Chapter Ten

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Noah's POV


I gazed out of the window in my office trying to hold back the ache in my chest. Ever since that night when Raymus and his men took Taylor from me, well since I gave her to them. It wasn't because that I wanted to keep the pack safe more than her, it was because they would have hurt her in front of me and I couldn't have taken that. I never left the office and when I did, it was to let my wolf out because he was hurting as much as I was.

But when she had first called me, I had freaked out and said the first thing that came to my head. I told her that I didn't want her and that I wanted to go back to the Playboy that I was when I first met her. My wolf hadn't talked after that because all he wanted was his Mate.

What I hadn't expected Taylor to do was call me again and not take my bullshit. She got me to admit that I love her and want her. That girl was everything I wanted and so much more; her not being here has really taken its toll on me. I haven't moved, haven't eaten, and haven't been the nicest person to my pack. Conner brought me food and forced me to shower and change my clothes because as he put it 'I looked like shit and if Taylor was here, she'd kick my ass.' I had laughed and smiled for the first time since I had lost Taylor.

I knew that I had to go and find her. And I wouldn't be leaving without her, no matter the cost. As long as Taylor got out of there that was all I cared about. A knock on the door caught my attention and I turned to see who it was. Kelci came in covered in panting and covered in mud and dirt. "Where the hell have you been?" I asked as she sat down, pulling her long brown hair into a ponytail.

"I was out for a run when I got a whiff of a stranger's scent," I furrowed my brow at her words. The patrols I had out hadn't told me of any scents that they didn't recognize. "It was a male's scent, but I did catch a little bit of female too." when Kelci said that there was a female's scent, my heart began to race. What if it was Taylor and she was working for the Hunters now? My wolf growled at me, letting me know that Taylor wasn't that kind of person. She loved us and wouldn't do anything against the pack.

"Do you remember the scent?" if Kelci could identify it then maybe we could see who it was.

"Yeah. It was floral and fruity; like mangoes and lillies," my eyes widended. That was Taylor's scent! Why would this male have her scent on him? "The male's was woodsy and earthen, almost like dirt and tree." her nose wrinkled in disgust. That was the scent that most Hunters had. Again why would this Hunter have my Mate's scent on him?

I stood up and ran a hand through my hair. "How far back did you track it?" I hoped that she tracked it as far as she could. Kelci bit her lip and my eyes narrowed. "You didn't even bother to track it?"

"As soon as I smelt it my gut told me to run," Kelci always listened to her gut and normally it was right. "It was like something was off about whoever that person was." letting out a groan I closed my eyes and imagined Tay's face. If she were here I'd feel less stressed and calmer, but since she wasn't I had to deal with it. "I don't like this Noah. It's like they're planning something and Taylor is going to be a part of it or they're using her to gain information."

Slamming my hand down on the table, I felt the anger well within me at the thought of my Mate being used to gain information about the Pack. "I need to make a phone call," I muttered, letting Kelci know that I wanted to be alone. I sat down in my office chair and stared at the phone, debating on whether or not I should call and see if I could talk to Taylor.

As if reading my thoughs, the phone rang and I jumped to answer it. "Hello?" I breathed, hoping and praying that it was Taylor or Raymus on the other end.

"Alpha Davies," Raymus greeted on the other end. "I will make this call short and quick. Taylor wants to come back to you and we've agreed, but only on special circumstances."

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