Chapter Twelve

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Noah and I were currently wrapped up in the blankets watching a movie. I wasn't really interested in what was on the screen, but rather, on what my wolf would look like. In my head I could see so many different possibilities, yet they all seemed to be unattainable. Noah had told me that my wolf would reveal herself to me during my change, which should begin any day now. I was getting anxious because it hadn't started yet and I was ready for it to happen. "The more you stress out about it, the worse it will be in your head," I felt Noah's hands rub over my arms in a soothing manner. "You are so in tuned with it that your brain will make the pain seem worse."

"I have a low pain tolerance," I whispered quietly. Ever since we had mated last night, it seemed like the mood between us was more intimate and I felt physically and emotionally closer to my Mate. "I'm so scared that I won't make it through the change." Noah's eyes flashed and he pulled me closer to him, so that there was no space between our bodies.

"Please don't ever, ever talk like that," I nodded and closed my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep. I was so tired lately and it was hard to understand why. I hadn't missed any periods, so me being pregnant was out the window. "I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. I wouldn't be able to go on." I felt my heart clench at the agony in his voice.

Rolling so that I was still in the embrace, but facing Noah. His eyes were burning onto mine and were full of so many emotions. I could pick out the fear and the worry because of the Change and how there were so many factors involved. Noah wanted the Pack Doctor here to oversee everything when the Change did start so that I was as comfortable as possible. "You have nothing to worry about then," I cupped his face with my palms and smiled softly. "Because I know that with you by my side, we'll make it through this." moving so that I could wrap my arms around his neck, I brought Noah's lips to mine.

The next thing I knew, I was underneath Noah who was grinning down at me. He had his arms framing my head making me feel safe and protected. Just as he was about to lean down to kiss me again, there came a knock at our door. A low growl escaped from his chest and I could only giggle.

Whoever was at the door obviously wasn't waiting for a reply so they barged in. I wasn't surprised to see Conner standing there, but I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong. "Alpha, we need to talk." his eyes glanced over at me and I knew that they were communicating using the pack mind link. Noah nodded and moved off of me grabbing a pair of jeans and a navy blue t-shirt from the floor.

"I'll be back," he kissed my cheek and walked out of the bedroom. Letting out a frustrated sigh I sat myself up so that I was resting against the headboard. I hated that they left me out of everything; just because I wasn't a wolf yet didn't mean that I had to be left in the dark. I was Luna of the pack for goodness sakes!

Eyeing the bedroom door I pushed back the sheets and walked out of the bedroom. Rounding the corner, I gasped when one of the Warrior Wolves stopped me. "I'm sorry Luna, but Alpha Noah has asked that he, the Beta and the Elders be left alone," harrumphing I crossed my arms over my chest and narrowed my eyes. "And that if anyone was to come down the hallway I am to escort them back." the man grabbed me gently by the upper arm and walked me back to the master bedroom.

Slamming the door shut I went to the bathroom to take a shower and try to cool off. I was extremely pissed that secrets were being kept by Noah. That's what got us into all of this stupid shit before; him keeping secrets always ends up being bad for us and I had a feeling that this time wouldn't be any different.

When I came out of the bathroom Noah still wasn't back. Rolling my eyes I headed for the closet to grab some new clothes to wear for the day. Just as I opened the door, a terrible pain wracked my body traveling up my arm and then spreading out through my body. Collasping to the floor I let out a cry as the pain steadily got worse.

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