Chapter Seventeen

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I kept it PG-13 kids lol. Seriously though, I've written things like this with my friends, but never published them. EEK! So be warned it gets kinda sexual, but nothing bad.

© gvlaker_2016xx


It was about 5 in the afternoon when Noah and I finally made it back from our run. It had felt good to let my wolf out and letting her bond even more with Noah’s wolf. I let Noah show me the areas of the territory that I didn’t know and where the territory ended. Also on our way we passed the patrol that Noah had out. He was still a bit wary about letting me out alone, or anyone for that matter, because of the second group of hunters that were out looking for me.

Currently I was curled up in our bed flipping the channels while Noah worked at his desk. It was hard to not want to go over and curl up on his lap, but I knew that he was busy. With a sigh, I stopped on ESPN and tossed the remote down, done with my channel surfing. There was nothing interesting on that I wanted to watch, so I decided to pick out a book off on the shelves behind Noah’s desk.

He glanced up as I approached and smiled at me. I knew that he had heard me because of his wolf, who I constantly felt. “Bored?” he put down the document he was looking over.

With a sheepish smile on my face I lowered my head and nodded. I hated that I was distracting him from his work. I had seen other males get upset when they were distracted from work and the she-wolf usually got the brunt of the anger. “I can go find something else to do if you want to keep working.” I made the move toward the bed when Noah gently grasped my wrist, stopping me from moving.

“I’ve been working ever since we got back,” he stood up and I was left breathless. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and the sweats that covered his legs were slung low on his hips. I couldn’t get over how handsome and gorgeous this man was and the fact that he was all mine. A smirk flitted across my face as I watched Noah’s eyes darken significantly. “I think that I deserve a break.”

The next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back staring up at my mate. The long pieces of his hair hung in his face and I pushed them away, trailing my fingers over his skin. Noah pressed his lips to mine in a tender kiss. There was no rushing anything as I felt his warm hands rush over my skin leaving goose bumps in the process. “You are so beautiful,” he muttered against my lips. “I know that I don’t deserve all of these chances that you keep giving me, but I promise that I’ll make it all right again.” Noah kept his gaze on me as we stared at each other.

My wolf was rolling in the happiness and pleasure that we both felt. As Noah and I were bonding so were she and his wolf. Man and animal were coming together once more and it lifted some of the weight off of my chest. “I know that we’ve been through a lot of tough times.” It still stung to think about the past that we’ve been through, but it will only make us stronger. “But we’re together now and that is all that matters.” I raised my head to place a peck on Noah’s lips.

He moved his lips down my cheek, placing a light kiss on my jaw. My head fell back in pleasure and I let out a soft moan. It was amazing that with just one touch, I could feel myself get lost in his touch. Every part of my body that he touched was on fire and I wasn’t sure how the hell I was holding on.

I hooked my legs around his waist and crossed my ankles trying to pull Noah closer. His lips had wandered away from my jaw and to the point where my neck and shoulder met. The sensations that ran through me as he scraped his teeth at the pulse point made me shudder and moan loudly. Never in my life had I wanted him or this so badly. My entire body was fire and I felt like one touch would send me over the edge. “Noah,” barely recognizing my own voice I arched closer to him. “Please sweetheart, I can’t take much more.”

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