Chapter Eleven

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I woke up feeling a little disorientated, but when I shook my head, I realized that I was in bed with Noah. He had an arm slung around my stomach making it hard for me to move and I was okay with that. After being away from him for a couple days it made me see how much I really did love him. Moving my gaze to my Mate's sleeping face I smiled and snuggled closer to him.

There was sunight streaming through the curtains, but I wasn't going to leave the warmth of the bed or Noah's comforting embrace. Taking my hand I pushed a piece of stray hair out of Noah's face and giggled softly when he swatted at my hand. Now just using my fingertips I moved them down his cheeks and around to the underside of his jaw. The expressions that he made were cute and they made me giggle even harder and louder than I wanted to.

Noah's eyes fluttered open and he gave me a lazy smirk. "Good morning sleepy head," I laughed. He launched himself so that way I was looking up at him.

"Good morning my beautiful Mate," was his reply and I felt my cheeks get warm. How could he always make me blush with the simplest of words? "How did you sleep?"

"Better than I have in a long time," it was the truth. For the first time in a while, I felt absolutely refreshed when I woke up. There was no tossing and turning, no waking up in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep; it was all pure bliss.

We laid there for a bit longer until Noah's stomach decided that it was hungry. I rolled my eyes and pushed the comforter back off of my body. The oak floor of the bedroom was cold and I jumped a little when my feet hit the floor. "You okay?" Noah asked in a worried voice.

Turning so that I was facing him, I opened my mouth to speak, but stopped. For the first time I noticed just how good Noah looked. He was still in bed with the covers stopping at his waist revealing his golden chest and abs. The sunlight behind him made his hair look like a lighter brown and his eyes were dark with lust. I looked down at my own clothes and blushed when I saw that I was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. "I'm fine. The floor was a little cold." I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up into a bun on the top of my head.

The bedroom was empty when I came back out and I wondered where Noah was at. Heading down the hall to his office, I knocked on the door waiting to see if he was in there. When I got no reply, I went down to the kitchen and stopped at the doorway. Noah was standing at the stove making breakfast dressed in a pair of low slung jeans and still no shirt. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his slender waist, but Noah wasn't surpised to see me. "Perks of being a wolf babe," he told me effortlessly moving me to his side.

"Shut up," I smacked the arm that was holding me. I got out of his grasp and went to sit down at the island while Noah finished breakfast. He placed a plate of bacon, pancakes, and eggs along with a cup of water in front of me.

Digging in I groaned at how heavenly everything tasted. "Don't...don't do that Tay," Noah's voice sounded strained and I flushed a deep lobster red. "Even though I've marked you, my wolf wants to complete the mating."

"Complete the mating?" I cocked a brow at him and put my fork down. "Didn't we already do that when you marked me?"

Noah's face went crimson and he rubbed the back of his neck. " we haven't," his eyes fell to the countertop and I could tell he was embarressed. "In order to complete the mating we have to...we uh...have to..." I laughed causing Noah to glare at me.

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