Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sorry about this being late! I've been super busy this weekend doing homework (blah :P) and going out to a Haunted Corn Maze. Fall is seriously my favorite time of the year even though it gets super cold. What season are ya'll in right now? Tweet me and let me know! @dauntless_sara or on my Facebook which is in the external link! 

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SOTC- In A World Like This - Backstreet Boys (video on the side)


Noah was driving like a maniac on our way back to the Pack House. Ever since he had gotten the call about the deaths of three wolves he had been on edge the entire time. I could feel the anger, tension, and worry rolling off of him and it made my wolf anxious. She hated that our mate was put in this situation and no matter how many time he told me it wasn’t my fault, I couldn’t help but think it was.

I stared out the window as the scenery passed us by. The trees were a blur of green and brown as we got closer and closer to home. Lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice that the car had stopped. Looking up I saw that we were home and everyone was inside the house.

My wolf kept pacing within me as a sinking feeling dipped deep within my stomach. Noah and I walked up the path to the house both of us silent. My ears were perked and listening intently for any sound that would be coming from inside. The door opened and my father let us in; his face set in a stony manner.

Once we were in I was brought to the front of the room. The Pack Elders were all standing with their arms folded across their chests, faces furrowed in anger. Noah came to stand beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Conner and Brent move to stand beside us also.

“Thank you for making it back so quickly,” Nathan, one of the oldest Elders said with his head bowed. “It has come to our attention that the Ivory Clan is not backing down.” Growls erupted from various members of the pack and many of the hunters in the room had their heads down in shame. “We have met as a group and we believe that it is best if we just give them what they want.” Everyone’s eyes turned towards me and I felt Noah tense up beside me.

“No. We are NOT going to throw my mate to those savages,” I squeezed his hand gently. “They can’t have her. She’s mine.”

My mother came to my side and pried my hand from Noah’s. She led me to the kitchen where some of the other women were. They all had coffee or tea and were sitting around chatting. When my mother and I came in everything went silent. One of the women came over to me and handed me a cup of tea with smile. “Thank you,” I gave her a smile and leaned against the counter. Looking at mom I furrowed my brows. “Can you please explain to me why the Ivory Clan wants me?”

The smile on her face faltered and she let out a sigh. “A long time ago your father made a pact with the Ivory Clan,” the other women had stopped their talking and were now listening to mom’s story. “He told the Clan Leader that when you came of age you would marry one of his son’s, Nolan.” My breathing hitched and I almost dropped the ceramic cup in my hand. “But when your father found out that Nolan, who had taken over for his father, was looking to kill wolves for no reason our alliance with the Ivory Clan ended. We knew that you had found your mate because we had one of our men keeping an eye one you.” Noah’s mom came over and wrapped an arm around my mother’s shoulders. “Nolan found out that you had a wolf for a mate and he vowed to kill all of them and take you back.”

I tried to speak, but it was like my voice had disappeared. It was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I was almost the wife of some crazy hunter. “Once I married Nolan then the two clans would combine and be run by Dad and Nolan.” Mom nodded and looked up at me with tears streaming down her face.

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