Chapter Seven

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It has been three weeks since Noah rejected me...again. Three weeks since anyone has come down to visit with me. Three weeks since I had ceased to feel anything but sorrow.

Every morning at exactly 6:30 my breakfast was placed outside my door, then at 1 was lunch, and finally at 8 was dinner. My portions were usually very small and left me hungrier than what I had been before.

Currently I was laying on my bed reading one of the books that Conner had secretly brought down for me. I had been getting a new one each week, but Noah found out and forbade Conner from coming down. He know had Theo, one of the Warriors, bringing me my stuff.

Theo would drop my things off and make his way back upstairs where he would then stand guard. I tried getting him to talk to me but it was no use. The one thing he said to me was 'The Alpha has given me strict orders not to make any conversation with you.' That made me realize that Noah didn't want me to be happy, he wanted me to be unhappy, depressed, hopeless. And now...I was.

When Noah had broken the Mate Bond there had been a pain in my body so bad that I was curled up in bed for three days. By the time it was over I knew what the crippling pain had been. It had been my heart, shattering into a million tiny pieces. My soul had been ripped apart with no one there to heal it. And the one person that I wanted didn't want me.

The sound of the door creaking open made me look up from my page. The lurching of my heart told me that it was Noah. He stared blankly at me, his eyes dark with the essence of his wolf.

I shrank back on the bed and whimpered as Noah came closer. I wasn't sure what he wanted and that scared me. The bed moved and was now weighed down.

Fingers ran across my face, tracing my jaw line, my eyes and nose, my forehead and then back to my jawline. A feather light kiss was placed on my lips and I felt a sob rising in my throat. What was he doing? Why was he torturing me by being here and kissing me. "I am so sorry," Noah whispered brining me into his arms and holding me against his warm body. "I...all I wanted to do was protect you," I knew that he was talking about protecting me from the Hunters. "I never wanted to shatter you and myself." so he was feeling the pain too then? "Please forgive me." I opened my eyes and used my thumbs to wipe away the tears running down his face.

"I forgave you a long time ago," it was the truth. The first night he had left me alone was when I forgave him. I knew that as the Alpha the protection of his Mate and Pack came above everything else. "You're doing what is best for the Pack." I felt him shake as sobs wracked his body harshly.

"I don't want to lose you to the Hunters," Noah choked out. "Ever since I lost Jason, I knew that I didn't want to lose my Mate too." His fear wasn't irrational and selfish. There was a great possibility that the Hunters would have an easier time taking me since I was only human. "You mean everything to me and if I lost you forever then I don't know what I would do." Noah leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was full of regret and sorrow and Noah was putting all of his emotion into this one kiss. "I love you so much."

"I know you do," I soothed running my hand over his hair. "I know." I closed my eyes as Noah's pain hit me. By us talking and being together, the Mate Bond was slowly repairing itself.

"Taylor I know that you probably don't want me but...I want you." I stared at him with my mouth agape. Was this boy that stupid?! Of course I wanted him, but I needed to know that he was in it for the long run this time. "I want you at my side, to be the mother of my children, to be the person I grow old with." gasping more tears welled in my eyes as Noah pulled out a small, black, velvet ring box. "This isn't an engagement ring. It's a promise ring to be a symbol that we will be together one day. Maybe not now but one day after all of this shit with the Hunters is over, we will be together." Noah slipped the ring on my left hand, ring finger. It was absolutely beautiful. A small row of diamonds created a heart shaped frame around the center diamond with a sterling silver band.

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