Chapter Five

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Dedicated to @marissa_francine for all of her wonderful comments! Thank you!



Noah gave me a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his neck showing me that he was extremely nervous. I was human and this whole ‘marking’ business seemed kind of sketchy to me. The others in the room seemed to realize that we needed some time alone, so they made themselves scarce. I took a seat on the couch and put my head in hands. The weight of the bed shifted and Noah wrapped me in his arms. “I know that this is all new to you and that it is very overbearing…”

“Overbearing doesn’t even begin to describe it,” I mumbled nuzzling my head into his chest. “I’m so overwhelmed that I can’t even think straight.” Noah chuckled before placing a kiss on the top of my head. “So what exactly is this marking?”

Noah moved so that I was sitting on his lap with our hands meshed together. “When a male wolf finds his Mate, there is a surge of want and need to mark the female.” he ran a finger over that same spot from earlier causing more shivers to make their way down my spine. “The mark is the first thing that tells other unmated males that the female is taken.” I laid my head on his shoulder in content.

“Is the mating process complete after that?” the look he gave me told me that there was more to the mating then just marking me.

“No sweetheart,” Noah cradled my head in his hands with a tender look on his face. “We must…God this is so embarrassing…” a blush crept up onto his neck and cheeks in obvious embarrassment. I let out a giggle and buried my face into his chest, realizing why he was so embarrassed. “Tay in order for the mating to be complete, we have to make love.” Noah went silent after his announcement as I thought about what he had just said.

I knew in my heart that Noah was the one that I wanted to be with. But at the same time I couldn’t be sure that he was being entirely truthful. After spending the last thirteen years at the pack house, I knew of Noah’s player ways.  What if this was just some way for him to get into my pants? My heart ached at the thought of Noah being unfaithful to me again. “When would we have to complete the mating?” my voice was very shaky.

“We’ll go as slow as you want to sweetheart,” Noah cupped my cheek with his big palm and rubbed his thumb over my skin. “I can wait as long as you want me to wait because in the end it will all be worth it.” I rolled off of Noah’s lap so that I was on my back staring at the ceiling.

“I’m scared Noah,” and I was scared, terrified actually. I didn’t need him to say anything to know that he wanted to know why I was scared. “I’m scared that after we mate you’ll run off with some other she wolf. A prettier she wolf at that fact,” I heard my voice tremble and shake with the fear of being rejected again. I closed my eyes as the tears that had formed earlier ran down my cheeks. “I don’t want to be alone again.”

I guess you could say that I have a fear of abandonment because of what my so called parents had done to me. Leaving me at such a young age with people I didn’t know made me fear that everyone, at some point in my life, would leave me too. I reopened my eyes and saw that Noah was leaning over me with guilt and hurt evident in his eyes. He ran a hand down the side of my face and gave me a weak smile. “I would never leave you. After all of the shit I’ve done to you, you don’t need any more heartbreak.” he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. Our lips molded together and it was like nothing I had ever felt before. Noah’s lips were warm and soft, yet they brought a slightly cool feeling to my own lips. “You are the single most important thing to me Taylor. I want to do everything in my power to make sure that you have the best. There isn’t anyone or anything that can take you away from me.”

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