Chapter Twenty-Six

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Happy Friday! This chapter is the penultimate one and the next chapter is going to be the Epilouge.  Thank you for the votes and comments! 


More information about Brennan's story is going to be posted in the Epilouge. That will be update day and the day it will go up.

Please comment, vote, and fan!

SOTC- Mamma Mia -- Elena ft. Glance (Go listen to this song! It's SO good!)


I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like they were glued shut. My head pounded and there was a dry, cottony taste in my mouth that I couldn’t get rid of. With a groan I tried once more to open my eyes and was finally able to. Looking around I wasn’t surprised to find myself locked in a dark, dank cell.

It was dark with a little light coming from the moonlight that was shining through the window. I tried to reach my wolf, but there must still be some silver left in my system. Just how much silver did that bastard put into me?

The sound of a door opening withdrew me from my thoughts as Nolan and three guards stopped in front of the cell that was I in. “Good evening Princess,” he smiled at me. It was almost as if he had forgotten that he had taken me prisoner. “I’m sorry that you had to spend some time down here,” there was no denying that this man was crazy. “I wanted to make sure that our room was perfect for you.”

Nolan motioned toward the door and one of the guards unlocked it. He stepped inside and helped me to stand up, then wrapped an arm around my waist. My legs quivered and I felt like I was going to fall to the ground. Nolan sensed this and picked me up bridal style and walked out of the cell. “You may want to close your eyes sweetheart,” my body shivered in disgust when he called me that. Not wanting to upset him, I turned my head into his chest to shield my eyes.

Warmth hit my skin and I slowly reopened my eyes to see that we were standing in the middle of a living room. People were staring at us in surprise, but Nolan either ignored them or didn’t realize that they were there. He walked up a flight of stairs and we ended up standing in front of a big oak door.

Nolan set me down and then pushed the door opened. I walked in and was surprised at how nice the room actually was. There was a king size bed, a vanity with makeup neatly set up, two doors which I assumed were the bathroom and a closet. “I had some of the women go and buy you clothes,” I turned and saw that Nolan was watching me with a smile on his face. “And I wasn’t sure about the makeup, so if you don’t like it we can return it.”

“No this is very nice, thank you,” I did my best to smile as naturally as I could. My heart ached because I wanted to see Noah so bad and because Nolan was treating me so well. “Is it okay if I take a shower?”

“You don’t have to ask me to do things,” Nolan replied as he led me to the bathroom. This bathroom had a Jacuzzi tub and a shower that had a hang down shower head, and two sinks. “Towels are right here and your pajamas are in the dresser in the top drawer. I nodded and waited as he walked out.

Turning on the water and stripping out of the clothes I was wearing, I stepped in to the shower. The warm spray felt good on my back and released some of the tension that I felt. Once again I tried to make contact with my wolf and this time I felt her.

She was still weak, but I was happy to know that she was there. If she hadn’t been there I don’t know how I would have handled it. Are you okay?

My Alpha Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن