Chapter Eighteen

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I finally fell asleep at 2AM after Noah and I had finished making love. It was the first time in a while that I truly felt connected to him. My wolf was content being with her mate.

Outside it was raining and the soft pitter-patter of the drops on the ceiling was calming. I had always been somewhat afraid of storms and would always cower when the thunder clapped.

The storm started to pick up in intensity and I cuddles myself closer to Noah. He grunted and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me even closer. There was a particularly bright bolt of lightning and I knew that there would be some severe thunder to follow.

When the thunder clapped, I shook and closed my eyes. My movement caused Noah to wake up. "Taylor are you ok?"

I meekly nodded, not wanting him to think that I was stupid for being scared of the storm. "That loud clap of thunder scared me," I buried my head in his chest afraid that Noah would laugh at me.

"It's okay to be afraid of the storm," he nuzzled the top of my head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Talking about why I was afraid of the storms was a touchy subject because it delved into our turbulent past. "Please don't be mad at me when I tell you," I began glancing up at him. Noah raised his brow and nodded. "It all began one night when I was in the basement." I tried to keep my emotion in check. "It was storming hard and ever since I was a little girl I had always been afraid of them."

I closed my eyes and squeezed the tears away. "But that one storm was so bad and I didn't have anyone here to hold me," another crack of thunder resounded through the house and I cringed into Noah's chest. "I cried myself to sleep and ever since, I've been afraid of storms."

"I am so sorry baby," Noah whispered and held me closer to him. "I was such a dick and I regret doing all of it." His voice shook and I felt his body shake too. "If I have to I will spend the rest of my life making up it up to you."

My heart clenched hearing Noah sound so upset. I hated that our past was so full of negative and not a lot of positives. "What do you say we go on a vacation?" I turned on my side and leaned my head on my hand. It was a long shot because he had to be here with pack and because of the threat of Hunters. 

"I wish we could babe, but with everything that is going on I don't want to leave right now." I nodded and snuggled in closer to him. We laid in the silence as the storm continued to rage outside. As the rain was coming down I felt bad for those who were out doing night patrols.

Being stuck in the storm and having to look out for rouges AND Hunters? But I guess it was all a part of the job. My mind began to wander as I gazed out the french doors of our bedroom. The rain had subsided and was now just thundering. 

But there were other questions that I had on my mind. The biggest one was why this newest Clan of Hunters decided to make their appearance now. Why not do it when we weren't expecting them? All of the possibilities made my head hurt.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was now almost 4 in the morning. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to Noah who had fallen back asleep earlier. This time, sleep came easier and I was able to sleep dreamlessly. 

When I woke later that morning, Noah wasn't in bed, but in his office with Conner. I stretched and felt my joints pop soothingly. Looking outside I saw that the sun was shining and that some of the pack members were out and about. 

Pushing back the covers I headed for the bathroom to get ready for the day. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. Once the water was at the temperature I wanted, I stepped in and let it run over me. 

My Alpha MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin