Chapter Twenty One

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Here is an early upload for all of you! Thank you for all of the votes, comments, and reads. I do read every one of them and am so thankful to have such wonderful readers. To the side (if you're on the website) and above (if you're on the app) is Tay's engagement ring. And as usual, the playlist is in the external link.

If you guys have any song recommendations that I should check out, let me know in the comments! I may even use them in a future playlist. And I am also starting to work on the playlist for Noah and Tay's wedding. What songs would you like to see on that list?

SOTC -- I Will Never Let You Down - Rita Ora


Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up as a searing pain wracked my body. I laid still and bit my lip so I wouldn’t make any noise and wake up Noah. The pain traveled from the left side of my body all the way around to my right and then up. When the Pack Doctor had said that my healing would be painful, I didn’t know that it would be this bad.

I slowly sat up and pushed the covers off of my legs. I took a deep breath and clenched my eyes shut as pain radiated in my ribs. Once the pain was gone I stood up and headed to the bathroom to take some pain medication. When the Pack Doctor had explained to Noah that I wouldn’t heal as quickly as a regular were, he become extra paranoid.

When we had gone to sleep Noah made sure that I was laying on my side since my neck wasn’t injured. The pain was excruciating, but he assured me that it was the best to do since I would be able to breathe easier. Flicking the light on I shut the door so it wouldn’t wake Noah and turned on the sink. Grabbing some aspirin from the cabinet I popped two in my mouth and washed them down with some water.

I put the cup back down and went back to the bedroom. Noah was sitting up with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for me. I slowly sat down and waited for him to say something. When he just stayed silent I looked over and saw the worry in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to worry you,” I whispered.

My fingers began to pick at the fraying edge of the old quilt that covered us. If he didn’t say something soon I was going to cry. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Because you’ve been so stressed out lately and need the sleep.” I said laying back down on my left side. I sucked in a breath and waited for the pain to pass before I started talking again. “I can go and get some aspirin by myself.”

Noah rested his head on his hand and stared at me for a few seconds. I looked away, feeling the burning of his gaze become too much. “You heard what the Doctor said Taylor.” He gave me a patronizing look and I glared at him. “I don’t want you hurting yourself any more than you already are.”

“Well maybe if you hadn’t been so damn rough, then we wouldn’t be in this position,” I shot back, instantly regretting it when a look of hurt crossed his face. Biting my lip I reached out and tried to take Noah’s hand in mine. He pulled away though and stared out to the woods. “Noah, I…I didn’t mean…I’m sorry.”

He shook his head and I felt the tears well up in my eyes. “No you’re right; I was the one who hurt you,” there was an edge to his voice. “I was just so upset that after everything we’ve gone through, that you’d throw it away.” I held back a whimper as my wolf pushed me to go and comfort our mate. “That you’d willingly give yourself up to those bastards, knowing that it would kill me because I wouldn’t have you.” The distress in his voice was the final straw and I crawled over and sat on his lap.

Taking his face in between my hands I kept my gaze on him. “I thought that I what I was doing was what was best for the pack.” Lowering my head to his I placed a whisper soft kiss onto his lips. “But now I realize that me leaving wouldn’t have been what was best,” Noah closed his eyes and a tear trickled down his cheek. “Because if I had left, then you would have been devastated. Meaning that you wouldn’t have been able to do your Alpha duties.”

My Alpha MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin