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"Let's recap since we missed a day" Yolanda Halberd said as Tom sat back on her recliner "Last week we spoke of how you're dealing with Leya, this week I wanted to get to Mia"

Tom felt his heart cramp, this was the thing he hated about Halberd, she dug into the wounds and made sure you remember the pain, all to wrench out old ghosts and dry one anew, as she said.

"Its a sensitive subject" he had to warn.

"I know, but the sooner you face it, the sooner you can make peace Mister Snyders"

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"I know fair well how you loved your daughter, what do you do these days to remember her?" Yolanda asked.

"I try not to"

"That's a problem, you can't just brush off great things, do you talk about her? To other people maybe?"

"I, have recently brought her up, although I didn't want to"

"To whom?"

"It was a case I'm working, I needed to gain the trust of a suspicious person and brought Mia up"

Yolanda remained quiet looking at him, but sighed writing it down "Maybe you should tell people what a great person she was, all you're doing is saying how she died, making people pity you, but fail to ever hear Mia's life as she lived"

"It hurts to talk about her Yolanda"

"Why wouldn't it? But maybe if you spoke about all the good things in her life instead of telling people she passed away, she'll rest easier on your heart"

"That's the thing! She didn't pass away she was killed!"

"M... Murdered?" She asked.

"No, by an animal, a wolf"

"I'm so sorry, where did this happen?"

"A place called Keystone ancient forest, it was before they banned camping there"

She frowned at her paper, then looked up at him slowly, Tom realized the silence and felt her eyes on him, he looked over.


"A wolf you say?" She asked.

"Yes why?"

"Thomas, I have time share, I'm also sponsoring many school field trips to that place, and I can promise you now, there are no wolves in that park"

He sat up "What do you mean no wolves? Its a wildlife resort and this is America, many open spaces of nature has wolves"

"No not that one, bears yes but black bear not even grizzly, that couldn't have been a wolf"

"I saw it with my own eyes Yolanda! Fired my pistol at it as it ran from Mia's corpse!"

Yolanda didn't know what to say, there had to be a logical explanation "Maybe... Maybe a stray, maybe it was a wolf that escaped from another park that just so happened to roam in there?"

"Yes, maybe"

She sighed and stood up, one side a flask of juice stood ready and she poured herself some, the old woman drank on it slowly but turned to Tom and leaned against her table.

"I feel, you need to make sure of Mia's death, find out about this stray wolf, then your heart will come at ease and you can let her go"

"You just told me she's a good memory?"

"And she is but your last moments with Mia was firing at this so called wolf, you're a detective, do some detective work and find out about any stray wolves reported around that time, doing your job will distract your mind, and on the end of the day you'll feel better because you did it for Mia"

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