Farewell cruel world

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This scene contains reference to suicide.


A nurse entered but with a peep she backed out again, Angela and Tom parted quickly.

"I'm sorry sir, but you shouldn't be out of bed!" The nurse called shyly through the door.

Tom rubbed his forehead and looked at Angela still with her lip softly in her teeth.

"I... I'm sorry I'm such a prick" he said wanting to head for the door but yet again she blocked him, her face like an innocent girl looking up at him, her hands clasped before her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Trying to forget my sorrow by climbing down your throat"

She smiled "I would have done the same"

Tom sighed and tried passing her but she stubbornly placed herself in his way and he bumped into her.


"I know what you want to go do Snyders, and I won't allow it"

"Do what?"

"She dug in her purse and held his car keys up "You won't be burning poor Vicky out today"

"Give it to me" he said holding his hand out but she clasped the keys and held it behind her back.


"Angela please"

She was rather angry at the nurse, not only was it a way to keep him distracted, but she really did want to show him there was no need to dress, she would have pinned him to that hospital bed for sure.

Now though it felt to her like she's blocking the escape of a wild animal, it was only a matter of time before he snapped.

Her salvation came from the door behind her that opened and Warren stepped in "I knew it!" He said pointing and slamming the door shut "You were leaving"

"No, Angela held me here" Tom said with a grunt and headed back to the bed.

"And I told her to, good job MacMillan"

"Thank you sir"

"As for you Snyders, you need to sit down"

"I'd rather stand thanks"

Warren pointed at his jeans "And that red patch tells me yours stitches opened! Sit!"

Tom hopped reluctantly onto the bed.

"Now, as for Alice, she survived that night" Warren said.

"You knew!?"

"Yes! And we told Miss Jane to keep her from you, your mind was unstable and it could lead to sorrow! You would have been angry that Alice survived but Mia didn't!"

Tom jumped from the bed screaming "Maybe you thought wrong! Maybe it would have brought me some sort of serenity knowing at least one died and not them both! Maybe that would have damn well put my mind at ease!"

Warren was on his feet "Don't you dare scream at me! From your days in Iraq a warning on your resume was placed for your mental health! You wouldn't have coped!"

"I can't believe this!" Tom screamed kicking the hospital bed with his bad leg, making it slide on its brakes, Angela bounced back surprised.

"Unfortunately things don't always go as planned Snyders!" Warren continued "After Iraq there were no real financial support for soldiers, so you had to start working, and becoming a cop was the best thing that could have happened, you were a great soldier, an even better police officer, and now... The best Detective I have"

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