Nosy press

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Tom shook sitting up on the couch, noticing he had no clothes on but still covered in blankets, where the blankets came from was a mystery.

Angela was not next to him but she came into the room dressed only in her loin piece and his shirt, holding two cups of coffee.

"You slept soundly" she said holding a cup over, but the lack of a smile on her face had him remember her fury.

"Sorry about..."

"Don't bring it up again" she cut him off "Let's just say, we had a great night, we finally got each other naked, and leave it at that"

He nodded "As you wish"

She walked over to his television and turned it on, she flipped some of the channels until she found the news, it was all she needed to do to get Tom woken up completely.

"In this morning's broadcast we say goodbye to officer Robin Sheer, a police deputy for the Oklahoma department for six years"

"He's dead!?"

Angela gave him her best leer "The butcher found him!"

Tom was up but grabbed the blanket to cover himself, then stood to hear more, Warren came on to give a report.

"Its a sad loss not only for he police department but for the detectives office as well, though in small ways officer Robin still helped us solve many cases throughout the years, he will be missed"

The television came back to the presenter "No clear details to his death was given accept that the latest case of a one Butcher murderer was brought up, more will follow as we get information"

Both Angela and Tom was furiously going for their clothes.

"Who the Hell could be that stupid...!?" Tom bellowed grabbing his pants.

"Its not like victim confidentiality plays any roll! Whoever told this Missy news reported about the Butcher is as dumb as limestone!" Angela yelled but they paused to see none other than Monroe's face come on screen.

"Officer Robin has worked in close relation with Monroe enterprises, to hear he's been killed by the Butcher is so tragic, he was after all also trying to find this person along with Detective Snyders, my condolences to his family, and I hope this killer is caught quick"

"Son of a bitch!" Tom yelled.

"She's doing that for extra screen face time the damn skank! She has no idea the trouble she just caused us!" Angela said slipping into her top "Let's go!"

"My shirt remember?" He said holding his button less top up, she smiled and bit her lip.

"Next time don't wear a button shirt, they're real easy to get off"

"MacMillan!" He said marching to his room leaving her in giggles.

Out in the car Tom actually allowed Angela to take wheel when he jumped into her car.

"Odd?" She said starting up.

"We need a little speed Angela, and my car will draw flies, it is turd brown after all" he said dialling on his phone.

Angela laughed but swallowed it when he held a hand up.


"What the Hell Snyders! Who gave Monroe permission to blabber the Butcher out on live television!?"

"How the Hell should I know!?"

"She's going to cause the whole of Oklahoma to tumble into a vicious panic! The press are here at the department looking for an interview with you! Where the Hell are you!?"

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