The Agony of Your Eyes

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Another birthday, the same celebration. What good does it do to line people up for miles to watch me... to be with me? I clenched my fists, letting my hands drop to my sides, letting my head fall with them. No one actually cares about me, they just wish they had everything as I have my whole life... In reality, I had nothing. No mother, no one to tell me everything would be alright, no one saying anything encouraging about anything I ever did, no one... was ever there. I sighed to myself before signaling the guards to open the doors. They nodded at me and then at each other, opening the double doors in sync, the loud horrifying sound of silence filling the once bustling room, chilling me to my bones. Were people aware that I was scared of them? The sounds they made, the constant applause burning my ears, the grateful smiles that grew on their faces. I'm not worth anything for I still haven't learned this power that was passed down from generation to generation by the first born women in the royal family. I walked down the steps, my right hand holding my silky blue dress and my left clutching the railing as if I was about to fall, lifting my head up to face everyone and their careless smiles. No... Stop it. I continued to walk shakily down the stairs, shivering slightly, going over to my father's left side.

"Welcome everyone to the castle of Hyrule. It is so good to see that you all are in good health and seem to be doing well for yourselves. It is a pleasure to have you here tonight as we celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday." My father said, smiling as he usually does. No one realized how cruel he really was behind his fake happiness. No one knows. No one ever will. My father talked for a while longer but I couldn't even manage to hear his words. Calm down. Everything's gonna be alright.

"An appointed knight shall be placed at her side for these reasons." What did he just say? I looked over at him slowly.

"Given the conditions and the events that have taken place over the last couple of days, my daughter shall receive a guard who shall be at her side by night and day. I have chosen the top knight in the training academy who is of age and approved of by everyone who he has ever encountered." My father said, seeing that I was paying attention side-eyeing me. Is he serious? I sighed a bit, wanting to give him a piece of my mind but decided against it after moments of playing the fake situation in my head, remaining silent as I always did.

"This knight shall be a reflection of her actions and hopefully should restore the peace within the castle." He finished. A roar of cheers came from the people after. Everyone seemed so happy by this decision to limit me so. After their moment of celebration, they continued the music and went back to the many conversations from before.

"You never told me anything about this-"

"Silence. I don't want to hear it. This is the consequence of your past actions. Accept your punishment instead of fighting it. You're not getting out of any of this anyways." He said, walking over to his administrator, leaving me all by myself in a room of chaos.


The next day was worse than the last. I was called to the throne room in haste for some reason. My father hadn't appointed the knight that he said he would so I assumed that was why he called me. I walked into the throne room slowly, making my way to the center of the room where the triangle picture passed down from generation to generation called the triforce was engraved into the floor, the light showing through the windows and the red banners blowing in the wind from the open windows, my father sitting on his throne with someone next to him who I did not recognize. I gently held my dress, bowing to the ground before rising slowly.

"You must remember that your knight was to be appointed?" My father asked slowly.

"Yes, Father. This indeed is a foolish act. Nothing will stop-"

"I did not ask for your opinion on the matter. This is Link, the top swordsman in the whole kingdom. He has yet to be bested by anyone and has exceeded everyone's expectations by much." My father said, looking towards the swordsman. My eyes slowly fell on him. He wore a simple knight's tunic that everyone had received when they joined the academy. His figure was thin yet he looked strong... enough. His blonde hair was tied in a small ponytail behind his head but his hair was too short to keep the front pieces from falling out. My heart stopped as his blue eyes met mine. Deep, blue, endless... broken. I could practically feel his trauma screaming at me. It was so apparent yet I knew no one could hear his cries. Is he okay? The depth of the sadness and worry practically blinded me. He's... so quiet... so hurt...

"Zelda?" My father asked, snapping me out of the haze I just went into.


"Not one more word. He is going with you whether you like it or not. Is that clear?" He asked, staring at me through his eyebrows. A chill ran down my spine as I felt the knight's eyes on me again.

"...Yes Father." I said, giving in, having not wanted to feel the knight's gaze on me any longer. It's agonizing... all of this. Make it stop. I forced myself to walk away, hearing the footsteps of the knight's boots close behind, practically feeling his breath down my neck. Everything's fine. Breathe... but the air is musty. I sighed to myself, walking faster, making my way down the hallway to the outside, walking past rows and rows of perfectly placed guards, the red carpet placed in the center of the hallway, endless rooms with doors and cold harsh stone walls that surrounded them. And to think I've lived here my whole life. I walked through the doors to the outside, feeling the sun kiss my face, hello and the breeze run over me gently, encouraging me to move forward. I walked for miles on the never-ending earth in front of me until no one was around me for miles... Except him. He hadn't spoken this entire time. He only was able to stare at me blankly. I looked over at him, wondering if he had any opinions at all. My father would've wanted him to make me stay in the castle right? Maybe not?

"What's your name again?" I asked, already knowing it but wanting to hear what he sounded like since he hadn't spoken at all to me. He continued to stare, not showing any type of emotion or reaction to my talking. Blank yet very... see-through.

"Are you alright?" I asked, trying to get him to talk again, wondering if he didn't hear me. He said nothing that time either, continuing to stare at me, showing no emotion whatsoever. What kind of a knight is this?

"I'm sorry it seems as though you're ignoring me. As your princess, I command you to give me your full attention. I, the person in front of you, would like to know your name. If you are not mute, express yourself accordingly. However, if you are, I also know sign language... Go ahead. Speak your mind." I said, poking at him. He's being ridiculous and immature. No one is that shy. Not a word was spoken by him even after I commanded him to speak. I took a breath before deciding not to put up with his foolishness, slapping him across the face. I don't care what you've had to put up with. Common decency is worth more than anything.

"Because you have chosen to ignore me so fondly, you can go back to the castle and tell my father, you would like to resign. I will not allow a knight of such idiocy to follow me around. Either find your voice or leave me this instant." I almost shouted, waiting for him to make a decision. ...Nothing? Again? What does he want from me? Why does he stare like I'm some... object? Fine. If he won't speak to me... I will just have to ignore him completely until he gets bored and asks to resign.

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