My Princess

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"Don't make her do this! She doesn't deserve to see you. She doesn't even need to come here! Keep me! Don't let her come down-" I was cut off as an invisible figure scratched at my face, causing me to wince at the pain, and the feeling of the blood dripping down my face only made this feel more real. It's just a dream... It's all fake. This can't be real. None of this is. He laughed at me hysterically before stopping abruptly.

"She'll suffer far more than you ever will. I won't let her even get to see you. The little hope that she will receive, will only be a fake version of you." He said, smiling at me devilishly. Wake up! You can't dream about this anymore! I can't... I won't watch her suffer. I can't... not again. Not ever. I stood shakily, looking up at Him, not wanting to show my fear even though he had already hurt me in more ways than I could even remember. If this scheme succeeded, it would surely break me. I wasn't about to let any of this happen.

"You forget that I know what you're thinking. You can't take me down in my own territory. The only person who even has that chance is the princess herself. She's never going to know that you're stuck down here and that if I simply let you go, everything would go back to normal. She'll never find..." He paused for a moment, looking at something behind me, his jaw dropping slowly. I tried to look at the thing that seemed to terrify him but he once again controlled my thoughts. I can't do anything. He had me frozen in place. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even breathe.

"Ganon..." A woman's voice said, addressing him with little respect at all. I know that voice. No... She can't be down here! I have to move! I can't let her get hurt! I don't want to hurt her! Please!!

"So... This is how we meet... I must say... you look quite a lot like your father." Ganon said, taking some time to stare at the woman behind me before he broke out into laughter. I could hear everything. This room echoed so much that I could hear the girl take a deep breath and then let it out before continuing forward. I could feel her eyes on me as she walked.

"If you want your knight, I'm not necessarily willing to give him to you. You can't have him... also I don't think you want him after what I did to his mind." Ganon said, smiling before he snapped and everything went dark for a matter of seconds before I heard another snap, my consciousness returning to me. I was on the ground but no one had moved from where they were. Ganon was still on the throne in which he had created and the woman... It is Zelda. My heart sank, knowing that I would be the one to inflict more pain on her than her father did. I can't. Please don't make me do this!

"Here Link... Go ahead and show your princess how much you love her now." Ganon said, tossing a dagger to me to which I caught in mid air easily because of the mind control that Ganon was messing with. My legs moved, standing me up subconsciously and my head soon filled with the plans that Ganon had for the girl I cherished. I tried so hard to block everything but it didn't matter now. Stop it! Please!! I can't! I can't do this. I won't... let... you down. I breathed out, opening my eyes slowly, walking towards the enemy. It's time to end this. Nothing will stop me. Ganon laughed once more, clapping for me as if I had already won. He was always so supportive in everything that I accomplished. He's a great leader and deserves to be ruler of Hyrule. Nothing will get in his way... not while I'm still alive.

"Hear me..." I stopped, hearing someone whisper into my ear suddenly. What more does Ganon want? I'm going to defeat this-

"Link... listen to me... please." The enemy... is strong. Stronger than Ganon said she would be. I took a step forward.

"Link you have to fight... the thoughts. You can't let them take over. You know... what you need to do. Take my hand." No! Never!!

"You don't have a choice. You'll die here. Take my hand... please." I won't take the hand of the enemy! You don't understand-

"Come back to me... Link... remember... remember me." Something shattered in my head, causing me to scream. The pain was so great I fell to my hands and knees. I couldn't catch my breath. I can't breathe. Help me... Someone help me!

"I'm here... I'm right here." The enemy lifted my chin slowly, my eyes meeting hers. A peace overtook me and the light of her eyes practically blinded me.

"Kill her! Take your revenge! Kill... her! Don't..." The voices... they're gone. Everything... is peaceful. I have... to have... this peace. I reached my hand out, desperate for more. The girl smiled at me softly, taking my hand gently, a strange heat rising from my fingertips into my whole body. I fought to stay awake but nothing mattered anymore. It's just me... and you. The peace never left me as I slept. It didn't feel like a dream. I was stuck in a never ending embrace. It was something that I had never felt... No... I have felt this. I didn't need anything else. I could stay here forever and be satisfied for the rest of my life. I already have that satisfaction... What? Where... did that come from? I breathed out feeling myself returning to reality slowly, feeling the hand of the peace that had grasped me.

"Are you awake?" She whispered into my ear, sending shivers across my whole being. I breathed out, opening my eyes slowly, being completely blinded by the light above me, a figure to the right of my vision. I blinked a few times, my vision returning. So this is what peace looks like... No... Z-Zelda. That's... her name... How do I know that? I looked around slowly, seeing trees surrounding us as far as the eye could see.

"Where... are we?" I asked, finding it hard to talk, a pain shooting through my throat. She hushed me before she leaned down slowly, placing her lips to mine, my body being zapped awake by my thoughts that flooded my head so quickly. Zelda... She... did it. She's here. I'm here... with her... again. Immediately my hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer, causing the kiss to go deeper than we had ever gone before. I don't care. I'm here again. I have to show her that I'm okay. Everything's fine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, running her nails across the back of my neck. The kiss only lasted a couple more seconds before Zelda separated slowly, cupping my face, staring at me as if she was in disbelief. I took this opportunity to stare back. She would always find it funny that I always looked at her but I didn't mind. I'd want to stare at her all day if that was possible.

"You're here... you're alright." Zelda said barely over a whisper as tears formed in her eyes. I smiled a bit, kissing her forehead gently before saying anything more.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"Don't you dare apologize. You didn't know this would happen." Zelda interrupted me, glaring at me. I laughed a bit, pulling her closer, going in for another kiss but Fi entered the conversation before I could finish.

"I'm glad to see you both back to your happy selves but you must realize the danger that Hyrule is now in. You only have so much time before Ganon returns so use your time wisely. Do not get distracted. You will regret your decisions if you do so." Fi said. I looked where the voice had come from, being met with a blue figure of a woman. So she... was a person... once.

"Get up and hurry to Zora's Domain. You must help Mipha next. Do not stall. You're both running out of time." Fi said before disappearing into the sword. Mipha... All those memories we share...

"Come on. We need to go." Zelda said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. Zelda stood to her feet, as did I.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry." I said, Zelda's lips meeting mine once again. She separated quickly, clearly trying to mess with me.

"Every time you apologize now, I'm going to kiss you so stop apologizing for no good reason." She said, laughing a bit at my expression I guessed.

"Just makes me want to apologize more. Your tactics aren't working very well princess." I said, teasing her back. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Stop calling me princess."

"Never. It's outrageous of you to ask that of me because you'll always be my princess."

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