
606 23 13

(Pre-league Dabi)

God damnit...my head is spinning. It's definitely infected. The gash on healthy skin hasn't been healing right. I feel so hot. I want to blame my quirk but my flames are useless. I can barely summon them without my body aching.

Is this how I die? On the streets, in some dinghy alleyway? My stomach twists familiarly. I swear my stomach is eating a hole in itself. When was the last time I had a proper meal?

I guess it was that nice Ramen lady 2 weeks ago. I had half a meat bun a few days ago I found? Damnit I'd eat just about anything right now!

My foot failed to support me letting me fall to the ground. How the hell can I feel nauseated when I haven't eaten. The pain flares up in my stomach as I try to stand only to realise my shaking won't let me get stable.

Black spots dance around my vision as the light of the street seems blinding. Fuck... this is it.

A shadow blocked that light briefly before everything went black.

My head pounds when I wake up. Holy shit I'm alive? I try to sit up but I feel light headed from the action.

The first thing I see is a water bottle next to me and I fucking down that shit. The next second I regret it as I contain a gag. Drank that way too fast.

Next I evaluate my situation. Am I in a bathtub? What the fuck? Next on the docket where the hell is my shirt. Thank God I have pants.

I slowly lean back on the curve of the tub using it as support. There is blood fucking everywhere...

I see the cause when I look to my side. It's bandaged. Feels like it reopened. Though I guess it could be worse.

"Oh, you're awake" a voice spoke drawing my attention.

A woman stood there with a first aid kit, "Who are you?" I spit

"Can you move?" She ignored my question crouching next to the tub and starting to undo the dressing.

"Not much, why are you doing this?" I try again trying to find her angle

Fuck the cut looks gnarly. I didn't realise how bad it got. She hasn't fucking closed it either! Is she hoping I just fucking bleed out??

"Give me a needle, I can sew up myself" I try

I hiss in a breath when a warm cloth is suddenly pressed to the wound.

"What the fuck!" I try to rip her hand away but it stayed firm

"You have an infection. If you close it up you'll suffer further complications. Once the infection is gone I can patch you up. In the meantime you have to deal"

Is she a Doctor? I don't know if she's right or not..I just have to go along though. It hurts though. I just bare it. I feel so nauseated again. My body feels so hot.

I barely realise she had left the room when I managed to open my eyes again having fought back the urge to vomit.

The feeling went away with the angry twist of my stomach as she came back a bowl in hand, "Eat this"

Usually I'd sass a command like that but I don't fucking care. I can't help but dig in devouring the bowl of soup. Dignity out the window as I lick the bowl in an attempt to get every last drop.

"More" I command

"No" she took the dirty dish getting up to leave.

"What do you mean no? That was barely anything" I scoff

"Give it an hour or 2. Then you can have a snack. In the meantime stay. Don't mess with your wound"

I go to fight but shut my fat mouth. I'm being fed and cared for. I'm not going to let my big fat mouth fuck this up for me.

Dabi x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now