
551 20 17

TW: Strong Language and heavy scenes.

The author isn't a medical expert nor close to one. Any medically connected scenes can/might be inaccurate and is only written for entertainment purposes and not to inform.

It is Set

They say that at the very peek of dying, a flashback of all memories you've experienced in your life will occur like a fast-forwarded movie, knocking at the very edge of your brain. Telling how adventurous you've lived the time that was given to you.

Hers was - different. She saw the future.

"Yes Mr. Smith-" Deja vu. She inhaled deeply when his body penetrated through hers. It was a force that didn't hurt. Perhaps it's because she was already a spirit, something a normal person cannot see. She was existing, but as an extraterrestrial already.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A little girl came running waving her hands up in the air with a smile so bright, it was melting Lea's heart. Her face was vague and blurry but she recognized it. It was their child.

"Hello, princess. How are you?" Aga retorted and gave her a hug.

"Look! Teacher gave me 3 stars. I perfected our quiz earlier!" As she was lifted from the ground to his arms, she showed Aga the back of her hand that has stamped-inked stars, a way to make a kid so proud of themselves after receiving it.

"Very good, love. So? What does my princess want? Daddy's treat since you did a great job!" The little girl held her father's face and muttered a soft "ice cream" next with a giggle.

"Your mom will get mad at me if ever she's here. But okay, let's just wait for your sister, hmm?" Their little girl nodded with a grin, receiving a kiss from her father as she laughed with how it tickles.

"Daddy! Daddy! I also have 3 stars! Can we go out later then perhaps visit momma and Ziel?" And there goes the other one. Both children grew up to be a wonderful kid of their own. They seemed to be bright and active. Not a question, she's more than proud of her husband.

"Not a problem, princess. Okay now, what's our deal after coming home from school?"

"Change clothes and make sure we're clean! Babye Sofie! I'm going to change first!" Brene taunted her sister already scurrying from Aga's embrace.

"No! me first, Brene!" Argued by Sofia.

"Bleehhh! Who comes out their room first is prettier!" They sprinted off to the stair, holding either side of the railings, worrying their father who was at the pit, also their invisible mother who was watching at them like an audience of a movie: about her family's life.

She's already in peace. After seeing this, she knows that Aga can handle their kids now. He'll lead them great to a path of whatever they want.

Lea went near them and tried to hold their cheeks. It obviously slid through with her first attempt, but as tried to re-do it again, she was finally able to control it and kind of place her hands over their faces.

"Mahal na mahal ko kayo. Sobrang sobra. Sorry naiwan ko agad kayo. Mahal, sorry magisa kang nagpalaki sakanila. Nagpromise ako na magkasama tayo, pero naging madaya ako. Naging madaya si tadhana eh." She badly wanted to embrace him in a hug. To give a pat on his back for the greatness he implied as a father to both Brene and Sofia.

"Beatrice Irene and Sofia Agatha! How many times have I told both of you not to run upstairs?" Aga asked in authorization but still humbled down to not scare the kids.

"We're sorry dad!" They synchronized knowing their wrong-doings and claiming their fault. Lea walked near Aga again and clung both her hands on his shoulder from the back.

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