Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Damon's POV
"Where could she of gone?!"Bonnie asked frustrated. It had been a couple of hours and still no sight if Aria. I had no idea what had happened but I knew something was wrong.
"There's one place which we haven't looked yet."I sighed.
"Where? We've checked the woods, cemetery, your house, the town square. I mean everywhere someone who's sad might go." Bonnie announced.
"We're forgetting, this is Aria...and there's one place we haven't checked."I sighed. I began walking down the streets and Bonnie followed hastily.
"Where are we going?" She asked. I ignored her and carried on walking.
Eventually we reached it. The Mystic Grill. I don't know why we didn't check here earlier, seemed like an obvious place to check. I glanced over to Bonnie who sighed as we both entered the grill. Suddenly the smell of alcohol hit me along with the sound of music, that deafened me.
"Like father, like daughter." Bonnie mumbled as she stare up at Aria dancing on the table with a bottle of bourbon in her hand. Suddenly she noticed us.
"Ahhh, father, Bonnie, how kind of you to join us..I mean know what I mean. Took you a while." She slurred.
"Aria are you alright?" I asked as she danced on the table.
"Perfectly fine. In fact it's the best I've been since we arrived in this hell hole." She smiled as she kicked the glasses of the table she was on. Glass shattered to the floor as she giggled.
"God damn it." I muttered before walking towards the sound system and turning of the music.
"Hey! I was enjoying that." Aria grumbled. Suddenly she slipped up and was about to fall on the ground, before I rushed up to her and caught her. She giggled.
"Thank you daddy. Now if you don't mind." She mumbled before taking a long swig of bourbon, finishing the bottle before reaching over me and grabbing another.
"What's wrong?" I asked her as she tried to walk around the bar.
"Nothing, I'm fine...Fine." She smiled before pouring three tequila shots."Bottoms up." She smirked. She picked up her shot and turned to me. "Oh come on join in the fun. You too Bon-Bon." She smiled. I stared at her worried as her eyes grew rigid. "Drink the shot." She said sternly through her gritted teeth. I glanced over at Bonnie and nodded, giving her the, 'do what she says look.' Bonnie sighed as we both picked up our tequila shots. "Good." Aria smirked as we lifted are shots up before gulping it down in one motion. I saw Bonnie grimace as I just sighed.
"Aria, what's wrong?" I asked. She smiled.
"Nothing." She said a little stiffly as she held the glass tightly in her grip.
"Aria... Tell" But I didn't have time to finish as the shot glass in arias hand shattered.
"NOTHING! I'M FINE!" She screamed at us. She grabbed the bottle of bourbon again and took a large gulp before throwing it against the wall. Bonnie looked terrified and I looked concerned.
"Everything's perfectly's not like we're trapped in some freaky ghost town." She hissed as she grabbed another glass and chucked it at the wall. "It's not like we're probably going to be stuck here forever." She hissed again. I glanced over at Bonnie and she gave me a look that said, stop this. "It's not like I'll never see Stefan, Caroline, Rebekah, Elijah, or Nik again." She gritted her teeth as a tear sprung from her eye. This time she grabbed two empty bottles and hurled them at the wall again. They made a piercing shattering noise that almost covered up Aria's sob. "It's not like I've lost almost everything dear to me." She cried. "It's not like I lost my freakin baby. Oh wait! IT IS! Everything is GONE! Mum, Nik, Stefan and my CHILD!" She shouted as she collapsed into the floor, sobs overtaking her body. I stood there frozen and so did Bonnie. Pregnant. Aria had been pregnant. How? How is that possible? And she lost the child...oh no. What a great father I am for not realising something was up! I'm an idiot. I should of known. I glanced over at Aria who was still on the floor crying.
"'re pregnant?" I asked.
"Yes you daft fool. I was. As in the past. Jennifer killed the child. Killing my mother wasn't enough for her. She had to kill me too, and while doing so she killed my child." Aria sighed as tears fell down her face. I stumbled back shocked. Bonnie sighed and sat down next to Aria and pulled her into a quick hug.
"It's going to be alright. We'll find a way out." Bonnie comforted Aria, who cried into her shoulder. My mouth fell open still recovering from the news. My little girl was pregnant...with Klaus' child. The thought repulsed me and warmed my heart.
"It's going to be fine Aria. You'll be fine." I said comfortingly as I approached her and lifted her to her feet. I pulled her into a hug as Bonnie began to clear up the glass.
"To me, fine isn't a proper feeling." Aria sighed.
Hey guys hoped you liked it! Next chapter soon. Pls

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