Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Aria's POV
I could here them downstairs squabbling like children. I thought I made it clear to all of them, no messing with each other. That can wait till we get back. When we get back...if we get back. I picked up the bottle of bourbon I had been drinking and took another sip. The darkness was creeping into me, I could feel it. Anger grew within me everyday. I hadn't realized what was happening till recently. All the more reason for me to get out of here. I needed some kind of hope, and now it's been handed to me, I'm not about to let that go. I sat in my bed and watched out the window as the trees danced in the wind, the whistling used to be comforting, but now it just reminded me how alone I am. We've missed the eclipse today, means we have to wait till tomorrow. But I don't want to wait. I want to go home. Wherever that may be. What has Nik done since I've been gone? Has he terrorized the city? Gone mad like I have without him? Or has he found himself a new toy,someone else to care for? Someone else to sleep with? After all he probably thinks I'm dead. What if this didn't happen? What if me and Nik had a kid? One happy family, if only it was that simply. Me and Nik fell in love within a week, something, that for humans probably isn't very common or possible. But for vampires, especially ones that have such strong emotions like us, it's highly likely. A tear threatened to fall from my eye but I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to wallow in my self pity anymore. However that's a lot easier said then done. I took another swig of bourbon and I heard someone knock on my doorway.
"Kai, what a lovely surprise. Done squabbling with twiddle-dum ad twiddle-dee. " I mumbled as he stepped into the room and sat next to me.
"You weren't even phased when you found out, I was, a psychopath." He replied. I chuckled a sinister chuckle.
"I'm dating a psychopath, and trust me, he can do a lot more damage then you. So I'm sorry if your 'I am a scary psycho killer' thing didn't work out." He laughed along with me as I handed him the bottle. He gladly excepted it and took a swig.
"You're family you know that. Those guys down there, they aren't. You're the part of my family, I never hated. Your mum and me were like best friends. She kept me in check. So when they sent her away, you can understand I got a little mad and crazy and then...boom they all fall dead. Except a few of course." He mumbled.
"Don't worry, I don't care who you killed. I've wiped out villages in one night before. My story, trust me is a hell of a lot worse then your story." I replied taking the bourbon and finishing it of, when I realised something.
"Okay, let's make a rule here. You are my family and I am your's but Damon is my dad. So my family too. Look I don't care what you do when we get out but as soon as someone I care about gets threatened, I will defend them. Of course, I'm going to try and stay out of it but I can't promise anything." I told him.
"Right back at you, niece." Kai smirks.
"Good." I mumbled.
Bonnie's POV
There is no way in hell I'm going to let Mr whack job, get out of here. This prison was made for him for a reason. He needs to stay here, we can't let him get out.
"Damon, what up with Kai and Aria? What am I missing?" I asked him after Kai had just left.
"Kai is Aria's half Uncle. I guess. It's a very confusing story." Damon sighed.
"Then we have to keep him away from her! He killed his family, she is part of that family. He will kill her." Bonnie panicked for a moment.
"Your forgetting, Bonnie. Aria, can't die first of all and second of all, she's more powerful then any of us and can take care of herself. It took me a while to come to that realisation." Damon explained to me.
"I guess you're right." I nodded as she sighed.
"Life loves to fuck things up." Damon laughed and surprising I laughed with him. The dark sarcastic laugh sure meant the beginning of the end.
This is the next chapter hope you liked it! Pls

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