Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Klaus' POV
I drove down the road that lay in between the forest. I was so sure I had already crossed the mystic falls boundaries. However, I had not yet seen that famous 'Welcome to mystic falls sign.' I frowned and decided to pull over. I turned of the engine and opened the door. I stepped out and looked around. This I'm pretty sure was mystic falls, or it used to be, at least.
"Hey have you guys seen Sarah?" I picked up with my advanced hearing.
"No, Jer. Why?" I heard that all too familiar voice reply. Elena, and Jeremy, in these woods, I smirked, perfect. I locked the car before sprinting of in the direction of where I heard Elena and Jeremy.
"There's no ice." I heard Jeremy reply to Elena's earlier comment. So close. I smirked.
"I think you'll live, Jer." Elena smirked. I halted as I saw the two, wait no three, Caroline was there too. I could hear a distant party going on, by the lake, I think. So this is what they've been up to while I've been away, interesting and very disappointing , I thought.
"Caroline compelled the girl to get ice, she didn't."Jeremy replied. It seems they have a small problem.
"Well, why not? Is she on vervain or something?" Caroline asked obviously not in a great mood. Funny that they hadn't picked up on my presence yet, I mean they are vampires. So I decided to make my little appearance now.
"Sorry to interrupt this revelation you guys are discovering, but I need to talk to Elena." I smirked, strolling towards them.
"Klaus..." Elena whispered shocked.
"Bingo Gilbert. The big bad wolf it back and needs some answers." I replied.
"Jeremy can you please go and try to fine Sarah. She knows we're vampires." Elena instructed Jeremy. He nodded and walked off.
"What are you doing here klaus?" Caroline asked.
"I came for answers. You seem to be doing really well for someone who lost someone so special to you as Damon. Going to parties and all doesn't seem like your type of mourning. " I smirked as a look of panic struck Caroline face, while confusion appeared on Elena's.
"What are you on about? Damon was a monster. Well...not as much of a monster as you."Elena replied. I frowned.
"Hey Elena, look I'll take care of this, you need to help Jeremy look for Sarah. Go help him." Caroline butted in.
"Don't have to ask me twice." Elena muttered running off.
"Okay so what was that about? She loved Damon, but a moment ago, she looked like she barely new him." I hissed at Caroline.
"Elena's process getting over Damon was...complicated. Firstly she was taking this witch drug which made her see Damon, well not really, imagine him I guess. She got that from Luke, but he started to stop giving it to her. It got too much for her. So she asked Alaric to compel her memory's away about Damon, all the good ones so she didn't feel the pain anymore." Caroline explained to me.
"Doesn't seem very loving to me." I scoffed.
"She was in pain, Klaus." Caroline defended Elena.
"So you guys have no idea of how to get them back?" I asked.
"No, we have a few other problems to deal with, like getting our town back. I don't know if you know but if you cross the mystic falls boarder all magic is stripped from you. Basically vampires die. So it's a no go zone. We can't enter." Caroline explained.
"Did you say something about witch drugs that let Elena see Damon?" I asked Caroline, ignoring her earlier comment.
"Yes...but it's wasn't helping her and it won't help you, Klaus. You need to move on. How are you doing anyway?" She asked my taking a step towards me.
"Where can I find Luke?" I asked her.
"Oh no, I'm not telling you that. You shouldn't use these drugs Klaus." Caroline replied. I growled and grabbed her by the neck lifting her in the air.
"Were do I find Luke?!" I asked more furiously.
"No...I won't tell you." Caroline refused.
"I need to see her one more time! I need to! She was pregnant
Caroline, she was vulnerable, alone and I wasn't there for her! I need to see her...just one more time." I growled at her.
"I'm not sure, maybe at Whitemore college. His sister in Liv. He has longish blonde hair." Caroline spluttered. I let her go and she gasped.
"Thank you." I smirked before running of to find Luke.
Arias POV
"You're really annoying, you know and I'm really debating on whether I should take that knife out of your hand or not." I smirked standing in front of Kai. Bonnie and Damon had gone to get the things he asked for and I was meant to 'keep guard.'
"Well since I'm started to feel a little dizzy, I suggest you do." Kai replied with his usual smirk.
" I'm surprised, I mean with that about of blood loss I expected you to at least faint." I replied.
"Yeah well, I'm used to blood." Kai shrugged. I rolled my eyes.
"This might hurt a bit." I smile as I grabbed the knife and pulled it out of his hands. He grunted in pain but that was it. I bit into my wrist and handed it to him. He gladly drunk from it and soon his hand was all healed up.
"Now your going to sit here until that blood leaves your system. Cause I'm not having another vampire walking around. Especially one who just tried to kill us." I hissed at him wiping the blood of my wrist.
"Hey, I explained that little incident. Anyway, you'll need me to get out of here."Kai smirked.
"And we will, just I'm not letting you go for at least 4 hours, at least." I replied while playing with the knife in my hand.
"Now back to the other things we were talking about earlier. Why do you look familiar?" Kai asked. I shrugged.
"How am I supposed to know?" I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know. But I can't of known you. Maybe a relative..." Kai mumbled just as Bonnie and Dad walked in. I looked away from Kai, slightly confused.
"So, how are we going to get out of this Twilight Zone?" Dad asked as Bonnie placed down all these odd items.
"And how are these going to help us?" Bonnie pointed at the objects.
"I got a question for you,Damon, first. Why do you think we're stuck on a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994? Doomed to relive a solar eclipse forever and ever, and ever." Kai asked. Dad just raised his eyes as if he had no idea what Kai was talking about.
"How the hell should I know?" Damon shrugs at him like he had absolutely no clue. But he's holding back something, I could see thought.
"Well, you told Bonnie that this was your own personal hell and I was just curious why?" Kai smirked. "It honestly doesn't matter... Kai we got all the things you wanted: a can opener,shower drain, grinding wheel, jam, pocket knife, volume 'O' of the encyclopedia, a nail and a black marker. So what do we do with all this?" Bonnie asked looking at all the objects which were placed on the table.
"I can't show you with my hands taped, now can I?" Kai smirked. She sighed as she walked up to me and I growled as she grabbed the bloody knife out of my hands and cut Kai free.
"I swear to god, you do anything... And I mean anything that threatens us, you dead." I hissed as Kai chuckled.
"Thank you, Bonnie." Kai smiled as he rubbed his wrists from where he was bound.
"Okay, fine.How is this pile of crap going to get us out of here?" Dad asked.
"Hmmm... Let's see...I tell you that when you tell me what you did on May 10th 1994." Kai faced Dad.
"What difference does it make?" Dad snapped at Kai.
"It makes all the difference. I know how to get out of here, Bonnie had the magic, Aria had the brain, the wit and is damn hot and're just catching a free ride home." Kai smirked.
"Hey I am wittier then Aria." Dad replied. I rolled my eyes, just tell him, it can't be that bad, can it?
"Yeah, you don't really amuse me. So spill." Kai instructed.
"Yeah spill Dad. What did you do? I'm curious too now, it must of been pretty bad moment." I asked also wondering what he could have done. I could see the panic rise in my dad's eyes and I knew, immediately, what he had done,would be horrible.
Hey guys! So it's been a while but here you go, the next chapter! Hoped you liked it! Pls

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