Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Klaus' POV
" life has really sucked without me. Apart from the fact that your living and I'm...unknown, most likely dead.I think I have it harder then you. So stop whining, just get New Orleans to become that safe heaven you want it to be and bring Hope home." Aria sighed with a smirk after I had finished filling her in on what had been going on since she left.
"It's not at easy as it sounds." I replied with a small chuckle. Aria hopped down from the rock in which we were sitting on and walked round in circles.
"What's not easy is dying. Now that, that is hard." She smirked and laughed a bit.
"Don't joke about that." I replied to her. She pouted.
"Is someone mad now?" I glared at her as she laughed and flicked her hair over her shoulder. "I'm messing with you Nik, relax." She sighed and smiled.
"I am relaxed, I'm the most relaxed I've been for a while, now that your here." I smiled staring at her blue eyes. I was so engrossed in her eyes that when they disappeared it took me a moment register it. She's gone. The drug, it must of worn off. My face fell as I tucked the rest of the drug in my pocket and trudged towards the car, already missing her again.
Arias POV
I sat on the couch as Bonnie tried to perform a locater spell. Kai stood in front of the table Bonnie was trying to perform the spell on, watching her carefully. My dad, however, was playing with paper airplanes and being a right pain in the ass.
"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinum." Bonnie chanted but nothing happened. She stared at the map and sighed.
"There's something wrong. It's not working." I placed my head in my hands and sighed. If only I could do it, but letting Kai know I have magic, isn't a good idea.
"Maybe you're just out of practice and suck at magic now." Dad smiled. I glared at him and gave him the, that isn't helping, look.
"Don't listen to the idiot, Bonnie." I told her. Dad rolled his eyes and slouched onto the opposite chair.
"Yeah, pretend he's a white noise machine. That's how I was taught to tuned out my siblings, and it worked. I grew up with a lot of sisters and brothers. You could imagine the constant yammering that went on. But it did teach me how to focus." Kai instructed.
"My mum always told me stories about how her siblings used to drive her crazy too." I laughed, remembering the memory of when she used to tell me all the stories from her childhood.
"Really..." Kai mumbled quietly.
"I don't know what this little bonding thing is going on here but they, she doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink first." Dad interrupted and I rolled my eyes at his behavior. I stood up and walked over to pour myself a glass of whiskey. I sipped it quietly before speaking.
"Well, when you guys have figured this...out, come tell me. I'll be upstairs." I mumbled as they nodded in reply. I walked out the room and slowly up the stairs. I entered the room which would be mine, in the future, I guess. It looked really different, older. I had been sleeping here but I hadn't taken much notice of the room. I ran my hand over the wooden door frame and the walls. I placed my glass down as I noticed a ridge in the wall. I pushed it and a door swung open. I frowned and peered inside the small cupboard. I pulled out what seemed to be a dusty guitar. I laughed quietly as I wiped the dust of. What our the odds, huh? I peered in to see a few boxes full of books, and some empty notebooks. I shrugged as I shut the cupboard, holding onto the guitar. I sat down on the side of the bed and strummed the strings. They all, surprisingly, were more or less in tune. I guess since we're frozen in time that can kind of make sense. I started playing a few chords. I smiled at the familiar strum of melodies that came to me. I hadn't played since I was...human, I guess. I had missed it. I began to play Pumped up Kicks by The Fosters, one of my all time favorite songs. The lyrics began to come out in mumbles.
"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You better run, better run, faster than my bullet" I carried on into the verse, trying to remember the words as best as I could. I replaced La with the lyrics I forgot and laughed at how stupid I sounded.
"That's nice." I nearly jumped out of my skin as I looked up to see Kai smirking at me.
"Thanks, but what are you doing up here?" I asked him placing the guitar on the bed next to me.
"Can I not come up here and talk to you? Last time I checked it was a free country." He smirked taking a step into the room.
"We aren't in a country, we're in a freaking prison." I sighed standing up moving to the window and looking out at the empty street. It was quiet for a moment as Kai stood beside me and looked out the window too.
"Quiet isn't it?" He asked.
"Extremely." I replied. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around myself.
"I meant it, about you playing well on the guitar." He complimented. I nodded and smiled.
"Thanks, my mum taught me how to play." I smiled at the memories.
"Just out of interest, what was your mums name?" Kai asked. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Why?" I replied questioningly. It doesn't make sense, why would he care?
"Just curious." He muttered. I shrugged.
"Her name was Amelia." I replied to him. His eyes widened and he chuckled.
"The coincidence is actually funny." Kai laughed. I frowned and faced him.
"What? What's so funny?" I asked getting slightly annoyed at his manner.
"Your mother, well, she's my older sister...well, stepsister. That's why you looked so familiar. She used the surname Rosily didn't she?" He explained. My mouth fell open and I had to steady myself against the wall from the shock.
Hey guys! So here is the update! Hope you liked it! Love the song Pumped up Kicks, always have, song by The Fosters.

The End Game (tvd fanfiction third book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt