Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Klaus' POV
I watched as the blonde boy, who took more effort to track down then I thought, walked towards his dorm room with me close on his tail. I followed him as he unlocked his room and opened the door and shut it behind him. But just before the door slammed shut I placed my foot in the way. I opened the door fully and smirked.
"Luke, right?" I asked with a smug smile on my face. He turned around and faced me.
"And who are you?" He asked. I chuckled sinisterly as I shut the door behind me.
"Someone who could your rip your spleen out in less then a second. So unless you want that to happen, your going to give me what I want, alright?" I threatened him.
"Look, I've had a lot of vampires threaten me and really, I've had enough. really depends on what you want...I may give it to you...if it's not big deal otherwise I won't, and for some strange reason I feel my answers going to be a no anyway." The boy replied, rolling his eyes and turning around, emptying books from his bag. I scowled at him and my eyes pierced into his back.
"I want the drug you gave Elena, you know the one that let her see her dead boyfriend." I hissed.
"Whoa how the hell do you even know about that? I can't let that get around. Who are you?" Luke asked. I rolled my eyes and growled.
"I am Klaus Mikaelson and you will give me what I want, NOW!" I shouted getting frustrated with the witch. Fear blazed through his eyes as he cowered. "So you've heard of me...great! No give me the drug!" I demanded.
"Look, it's not that easy. My coven will kill me if they found out I did this. Also I only gave it to Elena because I basically killed her boyfriend, her best friend and her boyfriends daughter, who was also, I guess, her friend." Luke stuttered.
"So you're the reason why Aria, Elena's boyfriends daughter and my girlfriend, didn't get through!" My eyes blazed with anger as I shoved him against the wall.
"My sister would die if I hadn't, I had to make a decision." He replied frantically.
"I'm going to give you an option here, and keep in mind I don't do this often, I don't give people choices, especially when they cause my girlfriends death! Your choice is you either give me the drug or you die a painful and agonising death." I hissed at him. I could hear his pulse pick up from fear as he nodded slowly.
"The drug is in the top of the cupboard, what I have left of it anyway. That's all I have." He replied hastily. I smirk and let go of him as I opened the cupboard and retrieved the drug.
"Thank you. How does it work?" I smirked as he explained how to use it. "Thank you for your cooperation. You should be overjoyed to still be breathing. Until next time." I smirked as I disappeared from his sight.
I know, I know it's really short! I'm sorry! Next update will be longer! I'm going to try update at least once a week. I feel like I'm loosing readers, pls don't go anywhere!

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