Chapter 23

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A new character introduced in this chapter btw...
Chapter 23
Blair's POV
I ran fast through the trees, I was sure something was following me. I had been sure for the past hour. Although, it was 11 o'clock and I was in the woods, so I'll admit I might just be paranoid. I eventually stopped running, officially out of breath. I panted and placed my hands on my knees, out of exhaustion. I'm so lost, I thought. The Salvatore house, I was positive that was where she would be. After all she had told me, just before she left, her fathers name was Damon Salvatore. I hadn't really got to say goodbye to her. I just got a phone call from here after not seeing her for a couple of days, saying she would be going to her father. Its not that I didn't understand, it's just I was her best friend, she could said goodbye face to face.
I snapped out o my thoughts as I approached the edge of the woods. I came to a clearing. I scanned my eyes over the landscape until my eyes fell on a sign. I peered at it closely as I walked towards it.
Welcome to Mystic Falls
That's the town Aria said she was going to. I had figured out the Salvatore house part, I mean Damon Salvatore, Salvatore house, see the connection. Anyway I sighed with relief realising I was here. That's the last time I divert from the road because the woods looked prettier. Nope I'd rather not get lost and have to find my way in the dark again.
I was about to walk onwards when I heard a twig snap behind me. I took a shaking breath and slowly turned around. My eyes peered in the darkness making out a figure a couple meters away.
"Hello?" I asked nervous, I always wondered why people say that when they think someone's there and it's obviously dangerous. I guess it's a default thing. The guy took a few steps towards me.
"Why were you running through the woods so late? It's a bit suspicious, don't you think?" He asked as I could just make out the guys face. Dark hair, what I think was blue eyes, a very chiselled jaw, and most likely twenty-five years old, max.
"Yeah,well, I got a bit lost and you can't blame me for being paranoid in the dark woods and wanting to get out of there. Anyway, to be honest, I could ask you the same question? You're a bit creepy not gonna lie." I snapped back. You go Blair, I congratulated myself.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"What's your name?" I mimicked and rolled my eyes,"Like I'm really going to tell you." I laughed and crossed my arms suddenly feeling a rush of confidence.
"You remind me of someone. So stubborn. Look, I'll tell you my name and then you'll tell me yours. That's how people introduce themselves." He joked as I glared at him.
"Well, what's your name then?" I asked him raising my eyebrows.
"I'm Damon...and your name is?" He replied. My eyes widened, could it! He's way to young to be Aria's dad. Unless he just looks really young and actually is really old. My mind questioned itself, confused at what was going on.
"I'm Blair. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your surname?" I asked him and he smirked.
"Now who's being creepy and stalker-like."He laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"Please, it's important." My hands falling to my sides.
"Salvatore, my surnames Salvatore." He sighed. My mouth fell open. That is so not possible.
"" My mouth fell open, I suddenly felt light headed, and the next thing I new, I had collapsed to the floor blacking out.
Damon's POV
She fainted. Falling to the ground. However I caught her just before she made contact with the ground. She had mentioned Aria in all her mumbling, I was positive. How did she know Aria? I sighed, who was she. Her blonde hair fell on her face in soft curls and her face seemed so calm and sweet, quite ironic really, as she's anything but. I let out a long sigh before picking her up, deciding I couldn't just leave her here. Besides I had to know what she was talking about. I carried her with her head fell back and her mouth hung open. I laughed, how attractive. I would probably get punched if I said that in front of Aria. I missed her. I shook the thought out of my head and sprinted towards Alaric's flat. I figured it's probably the best place to go.
Once I arrived at the door,  I struggled to ring the doorbell but eventually got it. A groggy Alaric who looks like he was just asleep opened the door.
"What?!" He asked frustrated. I raised my eyebrows as he just began to notice the girl in my arms.
"Who is she?" He asked letting me through the door. I was careful not to bump her head one door frame. I had done that one to many time with past out people.
"I don't know. I met her in the woods, just outside mystic falls. She was lost and then I told her my name and she freaked out a little. She mumbled some words and one of those was Aria. I'm positive. I'm going to wait for her to wake up and ask her."
"Okay, whatever. You do that. I'm going back to sleep. Don't be loud or I'm kicking you out." He groaned before walking back into his room. I sighed as I lay the girl done on the couch.
"Who are you?" I whispered to myself wondering what she could want, and how she knew Aria.
Next chapter is here! Hoped you liked it. Pls

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