Chapter 24

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Blair's POV
I gasped as my eyes flew open. I sat up quickly and tried to get my eyes to focus on where I was. What happened? The dizziness in my head began to fade as I noticed that I was sitting on a couch, in a room, in someone's apartment I've never been to before. I began to go on full alert. Had I been kidnapped? Was I going to die?! Omg! OMG! I have to get out of here. I stumbled to my feet and ran towards the door. I quickly opened it and run out, only to bump right into someone as I tried to leave.
"Ow..." I mumbled as I looked up at the man in front of me. The man had black hair and blue eyes... Damon Salvatore. Suddenly everything that happened came rushing back to me. This was Aria's dad...I assume.
"Hello there, Blair. I was just out getting us some breakfast. And while we eat I was hoping you'd answer a few questions." He smirked, and I gulped in return. I slowly nodded. Don't be a wimp Blair, you can do this.
"Okay. But I get to ask you some questions as well. You ask one, then I ask one. Sound fair?" I smiled back at him as I began to gain my confidence back. I sauntered over to the table in the kitchen and sat down crossing my legs and smiled at him.
"Okay, I go first." He shut the door behind him and sat down opposite me placing the brown bag of some kind of breakfast on the table.
"Ask away." I smiled as I reached in the bag to retrieve a lemon and poppyseed muffin. My favorite.
"Let's start of easy. Full name?" He asked me.
"Blair Waldorf..." I replied sarcastically. He gave me a blank look and I rolled my eyes. "Gossip well. My actually name is Blair Harris." He nodded but I could still see how confused he was at my earlier statement. How had he not heard of gossip girl?! "My go, I already now your name is Damon Salvatore. How old are you?" I asked him raising my eyebrows.
"Twenty three, if you must know." He smirked. I gaped.
"Either you're lying, you're not the person I'm looking for or you're a seriously messed up guy." I raised my eyebrows soon followed by him raising his eyebrows.
"Why would I be lying?" He asked.
"Is that your question?"I replied and he nodded in response. "I don't know, cause you want people to think you're younger then you actually are. Old people do that kind of the thing." I shrugged. He narrowed his eyes almost like he was staring straight through me, I didn't like it.
"Your turn." He stated.
"Are you a father?" I asked him eager to hear his response. He looked a little taken back but quickly composed himself.
"Yes." He stated. How could I possibly be more confused then I was?! "Do you know anyone by the name of Ariana or Aria?" Damon quickly asked me. I could see how eager he was to know my answer.
"Yes I do. I had a best friend called Aria. She moved to mystic falls with her dad. I actually have reason to believe her dad is you. But I know I must be mistaken, because there is no way you could be her dad at the age of twenty three. Unless you really were lying." I admitted.
"That's where your English accent came from. So you are Aria's friend?" He asked me. I nodded.
"I told you who I am now you tell me who you are and what is going on?" I demanded as he smirked.
"Impatient are we?" He smirked.
"Don't play games with me, Damon. If that even is your name. I should be fearing for my life, you could be a murderer or rapist for all I know." I crossed my arms and huffed. He let out a low chuckle and refused to answer my questions as he ran his hand through his hair. I couldn't help but just start to notice how well defined he was. How his hair fell perfectly on his head and his blue eyes reflective the sunlight beautifully. No one would guess he was such an arrogant wanker.
"You're staring. Didn't you're mum every tell you staring was rude." He smirked and you rolled your eyes looking away.
"Answer me, I'm getting annoyed." I grumbled. He laughed and sighed before following the sigh up with a smirk.
"You want to know my secret...I'm a vampire." He answered and I rolled my eyes.
"Stop it. Stop lying and just answer me straight, you're so annoying. You are such a prick. Just tell me what the hell is going?! I'm not a bloody mind reader!" My voice got louder and louder but Damon didn't seemed phased by it at all.
"What if I wasn't lying?" I looked at him and my eyes narrowed.
"Vampires don't exist. I won't fool for that. I've only known you less then a day and I already hate you." I sighed.
"I'm not lying...I really am a vampire and so is Aria." He replied. He was not a vampire. If he was why would he tell me? Also I had grown up with Aria and I am almost positive she wasn't a vampire. I think I would of realized. I was about to make some sarcastic remark when I realised Damon was no longer sitting opposite me.
"Shit where did he go?" I asked myself standing up and leaving my half eaten lemon and poppyseed muffin on the table, not feeling as hungry as earlier. I looked around the room confused at where he could of gone within that amount of time. Suddenly I felt my feet being lifted of the ground. I let out a shriek as the world whizzed past me. It was only a second later when I came to a stand still. I steadied myself to come face to face with the devil himself. Damon. What the hell just happened?!
"Look around Blair. Still don't believe me." He smirked as I just began to realise my surroundings. We were standing on the top of some campus building. Standing on the edge on the roof I let out a scream. However a firm hand was placed on my mouth by Damon. He wasn't kidding...he was a vampire.
Hoped you liked it!

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