Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Arias POV
I took a deep breath and sat back down on the couch ignoring the fact I had just seen the weirdest thing ever. Lilly watched me intently as sat in her seat.
"I know, you think I'm crazy. That it's weird I keep my friends like that." She pursed her lips.
"Honestly... Yeah I do. Keeping half dead people in your bloody's a bit creepy and not to mention a bit messed up." I raised my eyebrows as I picked up the tea cup, which sat on the side table beside me. A small smirk drew across her face.
"You remind me of my son. In more ways then one, in fact. What you fail to understand, Aria, is that in order to live and survive family make sacrifices. I can only gather that you did not have a very strong family bond, if you do not know this information." She smiled. My lips tighten and pressed together the tea cup I held in my hand fell to the floor creating an ear splattering smash. Louder then you would have thought. "Are you alright? You smashed one of my favourite cups. Have I offended you?" She asked in an polite tone. How can someone be so nice to someone they barely know? I asked myself.
"You're right...and you're wrong. My family is broken up into different shards." I began as I picked up the large shard pieces of the floor. "Each shard resembles a member of my family. Each completely different, in fact they might even hate each other. But in my world there my family, by blood or not, they are. However to each other...not necessarily. So the bond of family only stretches so fare for me. Every so often I gain a new family member but not as often as they die. So excuse me for not understanding your psychopathic ways, my life's a little more complicated then that. Get it yet?" I asked her she gave me a blank look before making a small nod.
"Do you miss them? Your family?" She asked me. I gulped and sighed.
"I would give anything to be with them." I smiled.
"Tell me,what are they like? We have to pass time somehow." Lilly asked
"Well my Dad, is a right pain in the arse. Controlling, quite protective of me, and annoying. We fought for quite a while, but I know he loves me. So mother...well she's died." I told Lily.
"I'm so sorry." She replied almost like a default button had gone of in her head. I guess it wasn't automatic to say that.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this. I'm sure there way more interes-" I began but Lilly cut me of.
"No carry on. I'm intrigued." She smiled.
"Okay then...well, Klaus would probably be the next person who I would consider as family. He's my boyfriend. Complete idiot at times and can go a bit psychotic occasionally. But I love him. Rebekah, probably also counts as family, she's Klaus' sister. We're really close like sisters. We even fight like sisters sometimes. Elijah, also would be family. We might not be as close as the others but if anything happened to him, I would do everything in my power to help him. He's family to me after all. Lastly, my uncle, Stefan. He's probably the most level headed and moral out of all of them, except Elijah. But no one competes with Elijah. He's the classiest vampire you've ever met. I would say that was my family." I smiled at the memory's of them. I missed them all so much.
"Stefan? He's your uncle, is he?" Lilly asked, snapping out of my thoughts.
"Yes, why?" I replied confused.
"It's nothing. It's just my son was called Stefan. What a coincidence." She chuckled lightly in a petite feminine way. I hate that laugh.
"Tell me about your sons then. It's only fare." I replied.
"I don't really know them anymore. A lots probably changed. But there names are Stefan and Damon Salvatore." She smiled at the exact moment my mouth fell agape. This could not be happening. I suddenly felt like I was choking on air.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I exclaimed in shock.
" Are you alright?" She asked as I stood up from my seat and began to pace.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Well, I'm fine about from the fact my dad and uncle are your sons, which makes me your granddaughter. I mean what are the odds?" I blabbered on slightly frustrated.
"Wait, your dad is my son. Damon is your dad. Stefan is your uncle." She stated looking slightly shocked but not at all as shocked as I was.
"Yes, I thought we'd gathered that." I replied bluntly perching down on the end of the chair.
"Well then, how can you possible exist? I'm pretty sure Damon never has a daughter back in the day." She mumbled questioningly like she wasn't sure about herself.
"It involves a lot of magic, witch ancestors, some vampire blood, and a car accident. It quit a long boring story." I sighed not really wanting to go into it.
"Oh but it's fascinating. I would like to know how it was achieved." She smiled with wonder. I felt like a science experiment. Now I kinda get how horrible it must of been for Enzo to have to go through went he went though at Whitmore.
"I don't really get it myself. I couldn't tell you the story really. Don't you want to know how your sons are?" I asked her. She looked at me as if I were strange when really she was the weird one.
"I'm sure there fine, you described them as being alright. But your story sounds way more fascinating." She replied. I frowned and stood up. Not wanting to course any drama I removed my frown and replaced it with a smile, a rather fake smile.
"I would tell you the story but I'm exhausted is there somewhere perhaps I could sleep here?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded.
"There's a room upstairs and to the right you can stay in. I hope it meets your needs. We'll talk about the blood situation tomorrow." She smiled and I nodded as politely as I could, before walking up to my room.
Omg I haven't updated for ages. Everything is so complicated right now and I'm kind of lost on where the story is going. I have a general direction is just fuzzy. Hoped you like it. Pls

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