Chapter 26

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Caroline's POV
"Why am I here again?" I asked Damon as I entered Alaric's apartment.
"To watch Blair." Damon said pointing to the girl on the couch.
"Oh no, I'm not on slut watch." I glared him. "You know this isn't the way to get Elena to talk to you." I muttered.
"I didn't sleep with her she's Aria's friend. She showed up yesterday and she might be useful." Damon replied.
"Fine I'll watch her. But you've got to take care of are Tripp issue. He knows I'm a vampire, are you even listening to me? I had to leave Matt and Sarah to deal with it. This is urgent Damon, and I'm here babysitting for you, so you better do this for me." I growled not happy with my options.
"Yeah yeah, okay, don't worry Damon's going to fix everything." Damon smirked as he walked towards the door but turns round at the last moment. "Oh by the way she just figured out vampires are real, so she might be a bit jumpy."
"Wait, what? Damon!" I called after him but he had swiftly left the room. I'm going to kill him. I have my own problems to worry about. This is not what I need right now. I stared at the girl strewn across the couch. I sighed with aggravation, Damon is going to die. I plopped myself down on the chair next to the couch and studied the girls face. She was really pretty, I'd admit that. Her blonde hair, very similar to my own, slightly longer though, hung in soft curls around her face. She had the strong cheekbones that I had always wanted so badly. I stopped staring and pulled out my phone from my pocket, nothing. I hated this. Waiting around while all the action was going on. Tripp was on a killing spree of vampires and most of my friends were vampires, including me. Stop thinking about it Caroline...stop stressing...your friends will be fine.
Half an hour later of me tapping away at my phone I suddenly heard someone grunt and I snapped my head around to see the girl slowly open her eyes.
"Hello, I'm Caroline. Damon left me to look after you. It's nice to meet you." I put on my biggest smile and politest voice and extended my hand out to her, after standing up.
"Well aren't you just peachy." She mumbled sitting up and lightly shaking my hand. "My names Blair." She let out a small smile before standing up. I looked at her warily, waiting for her to make a dash for it but she didn't.
"So Damon told you about the whole vampire thing..." I mumbled. Her head snapped up to me like she just remembered what happened.
"Holy shit. I forgot." She gasped and looked confused before glancing up at me with a scared look on her face.
"Are y-you a vampire t-too?" She stuttered and I could hear her heart thud in her chest.
"Yes. But I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not into the whole bloody, killing people thing." I explained in a rushed tone.
"That's reassuring. And Damon?" She asked me, rubbing her hands on her jeans nervously.
"What about Damon?" I replied confused.
"Is he the kind of bloody, killing vampire?" She asked.
"Honestly it depends on his mood and whether a certain brunette is in his life." I replied honestly.
"Okay. Well, that's good to know, I guess." She mumbled to herself but I could easily hear her.
"Do you want some water? Or something too eat?" I asked walking towards the kitchen. She followed but shook her head in response. Moments passed before she spoke again.
"Are there other creatures apart from vampires that exist?" She asked.
"Well, there's Werewolfs, witches, hybrids-"I began to explain but she cut me off.
"Hybrids?" Oh yeah she doesn't know what that is, I thought.
"Half werewolf and half vampire. Although there aren't many of them, Klaus killed them all. He's an original." I explained.
"An original?" She asked still confused.
"Oh the original family are the oldest and the first vampires to ever exist. There lethal. You do not want to get on there bad side. Although Aria managed to get on there good side. She even dates one." I rambled.
"Aria is dating one of the oldest vampires ever? Really?!" She looked at me shocked.
"Well she was yeah. That was until well..." My voice went quite as I realised maybe I wasn't meant to tell her yet.
"Until what? Where is Aria? I haven't seen her in ages, it would be nice if we could go see her." She smiled. But it wasn't long until her smile turned into a frown as she noticed my solemn expression. "What's wrong?" She persisted.
"Aria... Aria died recently. Well, we think she did." I finally told her. Her eyes bulged and her breathing sped up.
"What do you mean you think? I'm pretty sure dead means dead!" She exclaimed.
"Calm down, look we thought she and Damon were dead. But then Damon came back and said they had been trapped in some prison world. He had expected her to be next to him when he appeared back in the real world but she wasn't. So no she's not dead...she's just lost. Trapped." I explained as Blair's breath began to slow down again.
"So she's not dead. She's lost. Well, we have to get her back." She replied taking a sit.
"We are. Damon only came back a few days ago. We have some manic vampire killer trying to kill us all, and right now I'm not sure what's going on with my friends. Whether there safe or not. No ones replying to my texts." I stressed out and I catches sympathetic looks from Blair.
"Hey don't worry. It'll be fine." She tried to comfort me. It was sweet seeing how she barely new what was going on herself.
"I hope so." I muttered. Suddenly my phone went off and I quickly pulled it out and saw Elena's name on the screen.
"Hey, what's happening?" I asked her.
"Well Tripp has Damon and Enzo in the back of his truck and is making a beeline to mystic falls. I just parked the car in the middle of the road and punctured the tire but I don't think it will help much." Elena baffled on the other end of the phone.
"Damon's an idiot. He leaves to help and gets himself caught. Honestly what prick does that?" I sighed annoyed at Damon's idiocy.
"Caroline...I want my memories back. If Damon survives, I want Alaric to uncompel me." Elena stated.
"Are you sure?" I asked her, shocked at the change of heart.
"I can't make decisions on half the story, and I hate not knowing. I can't erase half my life and not know what could of been." She sighed.
"Good, I think that's the right choice Elena." I replied.
"I got to go. Call you when this is over." She sighed before hanging up.
"Is everything okay?" Blair asked. I nodded faintly and sighed rubbing my temples.
"My life is so messed up, too think I used to just have to worry about cheerleading and exams. No no no, now I have vampire hunters and friends who come back from the dead." I rambled frustratedly not noticing that Blair had got up and moved towards the alcohol cabinet. Grabbing the bourbon she poured two glasses.
"Sounds like you need a drink." She sighed handing me a glass. I glanced at her and shrugged, what harm could it do?
It's been soooo loonnnggg. I've just really struggled balancing my time and writing this chapter. Hoped you liked it.

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