Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Arias POV
My breathing was shaky as I stood outside. He didn't...even for him that's to much. My dad wouldn't have killed a pregnant women, he wouldn't, would he? I mean he didn't say he did but he didn't deny it. I left after they started talking about some ascendant to get us out of here, which I know is kind of important but I couldn't think straight when these questions kept running through my mind. I leant on the wall trying to clear my head. Fresh air collected in my lungs as I steadied my breathing. I would give anything to see Nik right now. I could just imagine his smile that so rarely was seen by anyone, I felt sick. Homesick, funny that when in some twisted alternative I was kind of home. But almost immediately I changed my mind. Home wasn't here, hell it wasn't even at the boarding house or New Orleans it was wherever the people I loved were, and that list is relatively small. I sighed as my mind began to clear and my breathing steadied. I needed to trust my dad and Bonnie right now, we don't need arguments. Even if he did kill a pregnant women, there's nothing we can do about it now, so I may as well forget about it. I collected myself quickly before walking back in there to Bonnie, dad and Kai.
"Okay. To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an Ascendant, and it looks like this. The last time we had it was in the Pacific Northwest, in Oregon." Kai explained as I walked in the room. I looked at his weird prototype model and chuckled silently as he opened up an encyclopaedia to a map.
"We?" Bonnie asked very observantly.
"Glad to see you could join us again, Aria." Kai smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"Answer her question." I replied to him referring to Bonnie.
"It belonged to my family. So just a little blood and a quick locater spell and all is good." Kai smiled as he pinpricked his finger.
"Think you can get us out Bonnie?" I asked with a smirk, even though I knew I could do the spell, all three of us new it was better to keep my magic a secret. It not a very popular concept with people.
"Hell, yeah." She smirked and I shouted out in joy.
Klaus' POV
I pulled over and walked quietly through the woods until I reached my destination. I watched as the sun glistened on the lake, I stood by. It was the lake I found Aria by long ago, or at least it felt long ago. I placed the witch herbs on the rock and all the other valuable items for the 'spell' and began to do the steps the blonde boy had told me. If they didn't work I swear to god I would go and I would kill him, without another thought. I breathed in at the very end as the last step and suddenly the world seemed brighter.
"Nik." I heard a familiar voice exclaim. I turned around to see Aria standing in front of me.
"Aria!" I exclaimed but kept my distance scared that she would disappear if I tried to hug her or kiss her. Her big blue eyes stared into mine and she smirked.
"Close you mouth you'll catch flies." She snapped, jokily and listening to her, I closed my mouth shut. Her long, almost raven, hair cascading down in perfect curls and her smile was bigger then I remembered. I'm sure at this moment I probably looked like a lovestruck fool.
"Aria...I can't even believe your here. You have no idea what hell I had to go through without you..." I mumbled, realistically I knew it wasn't really her, but at that moment I just had to believe she was here.
"Well we should talk then, since it's been so long." She smirked flipping her hair over her shoulder and perching on the rock.
Here's the next chapter guys! Hoped you liked it! Will try my best to update soon! Pls

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