Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Arias POV
"Oh, you've awoken. Took you long enough." I smirked, as the guy struggled against the ropes that I had tied him onto a chair with.
"I see Damon's still out cold." He spat out after he stopped struggling.
"Yeah, vervain's a bitch." I smirked.
"You look familiar? What's your name?" The guy asked.
"You first." I smiled, picking at my nails.
"I'm Kai." He replied firmly but with a small smile at the end.
"Aria." I replied bluntly.
"You look really familiar. How old are you actually?" Kai asked. I smirked.
"You know it's rude to ask a women her age." Kai laughed, as I smiled menacingly.
"No seriously, how old?" He asked again.
"If you must know, 18. Only 18. But that doesn't stop me from kicking your ass." I threatened him.
"It makes no sense. I couldn't of met you then. What's you full name?" He asked.
"Someone is being very nosey, especially for someone who's tied up." I sighed, raising my eyebrows.
"I just want to know where I know you from, it can't hurt." Kai muttered. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Well, Aria Salvatore or I guess Aria Rosily, depends on whether I feel like disowning my father and when I don't want to disown him." I smirked. Kai's eyes widened and then he smirked.
"So you're Damon's daughter. I've noticed you around but barely. Bit of a drunk aren't you. My focus was on Bonnie and Damon didn't matter to me." He shrugged, I rolled my eyes. "Did you say your surname was Rosily?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah why?" I replied getting sick of his voice as I went over and prodded my dad.
"I..." But before Kai could finish Bonnie ran in.
"What's going on?" Bonnie asked confused.
"Ahh finally, the useless one it here. Now we can get started." Kia smirked. I saw the rope dropped from his hands, which were no longer tied behind his back. "Sorry forgot to tell you, I'm really good with knots." He smirked. My eyes widened as I ran towards him. But he was quick, he grabbed the chair he was just siting on and smashed it against me, making me smash into rows of bourbon. I hissed as the vervain stung my body.
"Aria!" Bonnie shouted.
"Oh yeah, I filled them all with vervain. Didn't know which one your little dad here would pick." Kai smirked, as I cried out in pain. I watched as dad began to stir. Wake up dad! Now! I thought but I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I watched as Kai broke the chair and grabbed a piece of wood.
"Daughter or dad? Which one? Simple really, I'll go for Damon, killing such a beauty would be such a waste." Kai smirked. When I glanced back at dad he was on his knees gasping.
"Time to die." Kai smirked, he glanced up at Bonnie, who looked extremely panicked. "Goodbye." Kai smirked at dad.
"Stop! Don't you dare." Bonnie hissed taking a step further.
"What are you going to do? Your magic is gone, I've seen you try and fail every time." Kai laughed. Bonnie scowled as she glanced at candle on the side shelf, I watched as it lit up. Yes Bonnie! I cheered in my head as I shook myself out of the vervain bottles I was surrounded with. Pain soared through me but I ignored it.
"Get out." Bonnie told me and dad. I nodded sprinted towards dad and then both of us sprinted out and away.
"Hey you okay?" I asked my dad as we stopped behind a car in the parking lot.
"Yeah I'm fine. Glad you found my note or I would most likely be dead right now." He thanked me in a jokey manner.
"Hey you're my dad, despite what I might say, I really do care what happens to you." I sighed with a smile.
"No don't get all soppy on me now." He replied still getting his breath back a bit from the vervain.
"Sometimes I get a bit emotional. I still get mood swings as a vampire. In fact my mood swings are pretty bad." I laughed.
"Yeah I know, trust me... You know this is probably the most sober I've scene you in a while." Dad mumbled as we lent against the car.
"You have your way of handling things, I have mine. End of." I replied sternly shutting him off again,not wanting to talk about this anymore. I think he realised as well , as he didn't speak anymore on the matter.
"I wonder what's going on in there?" He asked pointing towards the supermarket.
"Let's go see..." I mumbled as Damon nodded. We both sprinted in the supermarket and ran towards the noise. I watched as fire surrounded Kai. I smirked. Go Bon Bon. Then almost immediately he fell to the floor unconscious. I stared at Dad annoyed and came out of my hiding spot.
"You had to hit him round the head. I wanted to hit the bastard round the head. So not fair." I huffed.
"Hey you got to the first time round. It was technically my turn."He replied. I rolled my eyes as Bonnie mentioned about bringing him back to the Salvatore boarding house and we both agreed. Time for someone answers bastard, I thought to myself looking down at Kai.
Hey guys sorry it's been so long. I had exams and I was busy. But here is the next chapter. Hoped you liked it. Pls

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