Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Rosa POV
My eyes fluttered open as I squinted at the harsh light. Ugh...another day, joy. I pulled the covers of myself and stumbled towards the kitchen. I began to make myself some coffee as I heard the door open. Jade, my flat mate, walked in.
"Hey girl, god, you look dreadful." She told me sitting down on the stool.
"I didn't sleep very well." I mumbled.
"The nightmares again?" She asked and I nodded in reply. "You know, some magic might just help you with that. I could whip you up a know." She carried on. Jade was also a witch and a very good one at that.
"No, I'm good. I want to stay clear of magic, I'm done with it." I replied.
"Honey you're a witch, you'll never be done with it." Jade smirks.
"Watch me." I snapped back as I took my coffee and walked back into my room, shutting the door behind me. The dreams weren't just any dreams. They haunted my every thought. I kissed Klaus. My sisters boyfriend. It was dreadful, just thinking about it. What was worse was that she was dead and I could never apologize for what I did. Her reaction to finding out haunted me. What she would think of me, how it would effect her, it all haunts my thoughts. I wonder if Klaus feels the same way, did it haunt his dreams? Was he lost. She was the only family I knew and liked, as now she's gone. I watched as a tear escaped my eye and landed in my coffee . I knew Klaus was incredibly busy, I mean New Orleans was a mess. I heard his mum and his brother was against him. I don't know how he copes. I wish I could talk to him and we could forget the kiss ever happened but it's not that simple. Wait...maybe it is. What if, he compelled me to forget it? Then my dreams would end. I wouldn't feel like shit all the time. I could live my life without this ongoing guilt eating away at my brain. That's what I would do. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. Eventually he picked up.
"Klaus, we need to talk." I stated bluntly. I hope this works.
Klaus' POV
I was waiting by the street Rosa told me to wait by. I don't know why she wanted to talk, well I have an idea but I didn't think we would ever talk again.
"Klaus." I heard her say. I turned around to see her standing there. She looked dreadful, massive bags lay under her eyes, her hair was matted and a frown lay upon her face.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"You need to compel me to forget the kiss." She stated. What?! She can't be serious, witches never asks to be compelled.
"You can't be serious?" I asked confused.
"I am. I have no vervain in my system." She replied.
"No way. I'm not going to do that. I just can't." I told her and began to walk away. Aria would never forgive me if she found out I compelled her sister, even though she's dead.
"You have to Klaus. I can't sleep. It haunts me everywhere I go. It hurts." She cried as a tear left her eye. I sighed and walked toward her.
"Fine. I will compel you." I told her. She needs to reach some kind of peace.
"Thank you, Klaus." She thanked me as I looked into her eyes.
"You will forget everything that happened that night. The kiss, the drinks, everything. You never met that day or today, you went out for a walk. Go home." I compelled here. Her pupils dilated and she nodded. I watched as she turned around and walked away. I guess that's one problem solved.
Rosa's POV
I walked into my flat and I was greeted by Jade with a confused look on her face.
"That is the first time you've left the apartment in a week. Where were you?" She asked. I frowned and laughed.
"I just went out for a walk. You know, fresh air. I'm going to go back to sleep now, I'm tired." I mumbled as I walked past her and into my room. I crawled into bed and under the duvets and fell asleep. In fact, it was the best sleep I've had in a while.
Hey guys! Hoped you liked it. I'm going to try and update every Friday. Pls

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