Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Stefan's POV
I threw the bottle angrily expecting to hear a loud crash and glass to shatter everywhere. But nothing happened. Then I heard that all to familiar voice.
" So what? Gone a couple of months, you think it's okay to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon?" I heard him say. I slowly turned around to see Damon standing there. I stumbled over my voice, shocked as he took a sip and sighed.
"How? Damon?" I asked, completely and utterly shocked. Am I hallucinating?
"In the flesh." He smirked.
"Are you really there? Is it really you?" I asked not believing my own mind.
"It's really me, brother. I'm not dead. This stuff isn't that good, it's good but not that good." He nodded at the bourbon as he replied. I walked towards him and smiled, I was almost about to cry as I pulled him into a brotherly hug, which he returned.
"It's a hell of a story, but I'm back." He muttered slowly. After a moment he suddenly pulled away and his eyes widened.
"Did Aria show up? Where is she? Did you see her?" Damon fired me with questions all of a sudden.
"No, and if I had, seeing you wouldn't of been as weird." I replied, still in a slight state of shock.
"Maybe she teleported to a different place in town. She couldn't of gone far I mean we we left from the same place." He muttered to himself.
"Whoa, hold on, Damon. You need to explain to me what happened. Tell me everything that happened." I told him and he glanced at me as I saw the worry flash over his eyes an I immediately realized whatever he was about to say, it would not be good.
Damon's POV
"We were stuck in 1994. It was rather depressing really, I mean if a bunch of witches were going to get together and create some weird alternate universe, you'd think they'd pick a better year than the one Kurt Cobain killed himself in. Anyway, it was all rather depressing, like I said earlier. In the end only the two of us made it out. Let's not make Bonnie's sacrifice harder then it already is. We shouldn't tell anyone. It'll bring more pain and that's the last things we need around here." I sighed. Stefan nodded in agreement.
"But how did you get out?" Stefan asked.
"Long story, big flash of light, two decades worth of jet lag. I'll fill you in later, but right now, we need to find Aria." I told him. He nodded.
"I'll look for her Damon. You do what you need to do. After all, you've been gone for months and Aria couldn't have gone fare." Stefan smiled as I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you, brother. Now if you excuse me, I have someone I need to see. Keep me updated on Aria." I  informed him but before I could leave Stefan grabbed my arm.
"Things have changed Damon. Elena....elena doesn't remember loving you. She got her memory's of loving you compelled away." Stefan told me hesitantly.
"She did what?" I asked shocked. My eyes widened as I took a deep breath.
"She had Alaric do it." Stefan sighed. I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed.
"It doesn't matter. I just need to see her, Stefan! Our eyes will meet, fireworks will go off, and the balance of nature will be restored. She loves me!" I raised my voice at him before storming out of the crypt. I had to let him deal with Aria while I dealt with Elena. I had to trust Stefan could do this and believe Aria was okay and sitting in some bar somewhere, enjoying the noise that came with people.
Stefan's POV
"Where is she?!" I shouted in frustration. I had been looking for a whole hour and it was safe to say, I hadn't found her. Maybe I should call for some help. I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts till I hit Caroline. She might hate me right now but her and Aria where close...ish. I sighed and I clicked her contact and call her.
"Stefan,what do you want?" She asked annoyed and frustrated. She had every right to be as well.
"Caroline, before you hang up, this isn't about me. This is about Aria. I can't find her." I explained to her.
"Yeah, because she's dead Stefan. Like Bonnie, gone in thin air. Damon is the only one that's back, unfortunately." She replied. I sighed.
"No Aria came back with Damon. He said she was there with him when they poofed back here. But I can't find her. When I saw Damon she wasn't there. We thought maybe she just appeared in another place close by but I can't find her." I told Caroline. I could hear a sigh on the other end of the phone.
"Where are you?" She asked.
"Just on the outskirts of mystic falls. By the new sign." I replied.
"I'll be there soon. Don't move." She said harshly and hung up.
When Caroline finally arrived, me and her began to look around the outskirts of mystic falls, trying to see if we could hear her.
"Aria!" I shouted while we trudged through the forest.
"Aria!" Caroline shouted after me.
"Ar-" I began but Caroline interrupted.
"Stop, this isn't working." She sighed as we came to a standstill. "Aria would know to come straight to whitemore or some place like that, where all of us would be. She isn't stupid." She told me. I nodded. "So maybe she went straight to the place with the people she would of missed most." Caroline sighed pulling out her phone.
"Where?" I asked confused.
"New Orleans." She mumbled. Why didn't I think of that. Caroline pulled the phone to her ear as it rang.
"What?! I'm busy, Caroline, it better be bloody important." I heart Klaus' voice growl on the other side of the phone.
"Oh it's nothing. You wouldn't by any chance have seen Aria around where you are? You know in the flesh." Caroline asked awkwardly.
"Wait...what?" Klaus asked lost.
"Well, it's quite a funny story...basically Damon, who's back now, is convinced she came back from the dead with him. But we can't find her. We only found Damon." She rapidly told him.
"She's back?" Klaus asked shocked.
"We think. We aren't sure, okay? Don't get your hopes up. I'm guessing that means she's not with you. If she does drop by at any moment in the next 24 hours please would you let us know. Thank you Klaus, bye!" Caroline unused and hung up before Klaus could reply.
"Well, that was awkward." I mumbled.
"And pointless." She replied.
"I don't understand. Damon appeared in the same place they disappeared. It would only make sense Aria did as well." I mumbled.
"Unless she didn't make it." Caroline sighed.
"Unless she didn't make it." I repeated trying to wrap my mind round it.
"Maybe Damon got it wrong. Maybe she's still trapped where she was. Oh god, he's going to be crushed, with Elena and now this." I mumble to myself.
"Well, at least we know she's most likely alive, maybe in a parallel universe but alive nonetheless. Let's split up, anyway. Keep looking if we can't find her by tomorrow, and Klaus hasn't called, I guess it means she didn't make it." Caroline stated pursing her lips. I nodded as we split up and carried on looking. Where are you, Aria?
Arias POV
The ground felt freezing cold as my eyes snapped open. I looked to see snow all around me. I quickly got on my feet. I didn't think we had reached winter yet in mystic falls. I was pretty sure, I don't think we had been gone that long, and besides, it rarely snows, I've heard. The northern light shone above me and the night sky cloaked the sky as I stared in awe.
"I'm definitely not in mystic falls." I mumbled to myself as I trudged along the ground. Where's dad? I thought to myself as my shoes dampened from the snowy ground.
"Dad! Dad!" I shouted out but got no reply. I sighed and walked along for a little longer. I turned around when I heard the snapping of branches and looked to see who was there.
"Dad?" I asked hoping it was him. However, instead, a Victorian dressed woman came out of the shadows and gave me an odd look.
"No, I'm not your dad. I'm Lilly and who are you?" She asked raising her eyebrow and taking a few steps closer. I gulped, where the hell was I?
Guys I'm so sorry about not updating. Its been a really hard couple of weeks for me. My grandad died and it's been really emotional. That's why I haven't been able to update, it's been hectic. I apologize again, I hope you can understand. I will update next Friday.Pls

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