Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
It's been 4 months now
Arias POV
"Hello Bonnie, Dad...pancakes again, I see." I mumbled, holding a bottle of vodka in my hand.
"You keep drinking alcohol and we'll run out." My dad hissed at me as he handed me a plate of pancakes.
"Oh please, that's not going to happen. Well, if we're in here forever then I suppose it will, and eventually, we'll all die or desiccate." I smirked as I sat next to Bonnie who was staring at her crossword puzzle.
"Still doing that huh?" I asked and she nodded slowly with a confused look in reply. I ignored the strange look and quickly munched down the pancakes as My Dad and Bonnie ate there's. I, then, grabbed my bottle of vodka and my jacket.
"Alright, I'm heading out. It's boring in here. Don't worry. I won't die, and I won't piss anyone of, well that's kinda physically impossible, unless it implies you guys." I smirked as I skipped out the door not waiting for there answer. I skipped down the road and into the trees. The forest, it seems so, normal. I guess that's because it was always quiet and so it hasn't really changed. I sat on the cold muddy floor with my, now empty, bottle of vodka. I threw rocks at the opposite tree, out of boredom, when suddenly a small squirrel scurried down from the tree. I stopped throwing rocks and smiled.
"Hello there little guy." The squirrel looked scared of me and quickly ran of, like a normal squirrel would. Funny how similar yet different this other dimension is, I thought. I was about to stand up when I noticed something on the ground. A footprint. It definitely wasn't mine, my feet were way to small for this footprint. Could be my dads, definitely not Bonnie's. But my dad hasn't been here, not in this section of the forest. Who else was here? Who's footprints are these? I quickly stood up and shook myself out of my slightly drunk state and ran off.
Damon's POV
"I did not fill in that crossword Damon." Bonnie hissed at me.
"Sure you didn't." I replied sarcastically. Ever since Bonnie pointed out the word that apparently Mr nobody filled in, I knew she had to be messing with me.
"I think we should tell Aria." Bonnie replied placing eggs into the trolley.
"I'm not going to tell her that there may be someone else here when I know your just messing with me. It would stress her out." I sighed placing milk into the trolley. Bonnie didn't mention anything else about the topic after that, and there was a few moments of silence before I spoke again.
"Do you think she'll find the note we left for her?" Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"You mean the note you left by the alcohol saying 'At the store. Don't drink this, Dad.' Probably... I mean she's always drinking so..." Se mumbled pushing the trolley.
"True." I replied bluntly.
"Damon, I'm not lying about the crossword." She stopped walking and stared at me sharply.
"Sure your..." But I was cut of by the noise of some bells.
"Here that?" Bonnie asked. I nodded as we followed the noise outside the store. When we stepped outside I noticed a small kids merry go road. It was on, playing a cute bell tune, spinning.
"Still think I'm lying?" Bonnie smirked looking at the merry go round.
Arias POV
"At store. Don't drink this, Dad." I read out loud as I stared at the note. Typical, I thought as I rolled my eyes. No time to waste better get to the store and tell them the news.
"Wait a sec." I told myself as I backtracked a few steps. I grabbed the bottle of bourbon my dad had told me to 'not drink.' I smirked as I opened it and took a swig.
"Vintage." I smirked as I took another sip and held it tightly in my grip before running to the store.
Arias POV
I entered the store and looked around.
"Oh da-ad.." I mumbled as I knew he would be able to hear me. Suddenly I heard two voice talking. My dad's and someone who was definitely not Bonnie. I placed my vintage bottle of Bourbon down after taking one last sip and approached the voices.
"This has been a really bad day in a massive collection of bad days, so I'm gonna need to know...who the hell you are, what the bloody hell you're doing here, and how it effects me, or I'm gonna rip your throat out, and tear each organ out of that little chest of yours." I heard my dad hiss. Someone's pissed, I thought.
"Your temper Damon isn't good. It's gonna get you into a lot of trouble. It only driven Bonnie away like what 13...14 different times." The new guy smirked. I glanced around the corner of this aisle and looked at Damon and this guy, who was siting down munching on a packet of pork rinds, I think.
"You think my tempers bad with her, I like her. You. I despise you." My dad growled speeding up to the guy an grabbing him by his collar.
"Okay...okay... Sorry. I'm a little rusty on human face to face talking. And I guess my humour is a little twisted and old." The dude mumbled. My dad let go of him and the guy brushed down his shirt.
"Answers now!" Me dad demanded.
"Maybe you should have a drink, seems to calm you down." The guy muttered.
"Thanks." Dad replied bitterly, picking up a bottle of bourbon. Like father, like daughter.
"And it makes you angry and then sad and then calm again. Alcohol is a weird cycle, don't you agree? Anyway the reason I'm following you is because...." My dad took a sip of bourbon, "...I want to kill you." Kai smirked as my dad began to splutter everywhere. I should of called this was going to happen. I mean vervain, not very original.
"Vervain in your bourbon, who saw that one coming?" The guy said sarcastically. Time to join the action, I thought. I sped up behind the guy and shoved him against the cold floor. His face was pressed against the floor as I held his arm behind his back.
"Being snuck up on from behind, who would have saw that one coming?" I mimicked him as he groaned. I then slammed his head out of consciousness.
Sorry it's been so long. Had a mental block with what to write in this chapter. Hoped you liked it. Pls

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