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Next thing that I know Steve and I made it back home.

I look around, dad wasn't home, probably off to doing dad/billionaire stuff.

"Sit down, I'll have to go grab something." I told Steve while running to my room to get my laptop, that I hopefully had put into the charger.

Yes, there it is. Ok quick go to Steve and tell him immediately, before something stupid happens and this book goes on any longer-

I ran to the living room, and plopped my self next to Steve.

"Listen, before you'll see this I want to tell you that, yes I knew, and I'm sorry I didn't say anything." I said without making eye contact.

Steve slowly nodded as a response. I let out a deep breath.

Ok let's do this.

I handed the laptop and drive to Steve, he stared at me in confusion.

"... " There was a moment of silence.

Oh right.

I grabbed them back and inserted the drive into the laptop before opening it.

The content of it was basically what I had already found, but I noticed that it was more about 'Kara' then 37. For example there where pictures of her laughing, playing, smiling. She looked younger here, she looked.. Like a normal kid, not like some sort of killing machine the other files made her out to be.

Other files... Shit, the one that I found this morning I never got the chance to look at it.

Well I guess I take a peak after this.

"Here." I said as I handed the laptop to Steve. He gently grabbed it from me and started reading.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything... I just wanted more answers before telling you." I explained softly.

"..." Steve didn't day anything in return, I noticed his knuckles where turning white.

"I need to go." He placed the laptop on my lap, and grabbed his jacket before walking out the door.

"..." to be honest... That went better than expected.

I was sitting in silence for a second before remembering that there was some left over pizza in the fridge.

While I look at those files I want something to snack on okay, don't judge me.

I grabbed the left overs, noticing dad's note that said: 'Do not touch my leftovers Rory! >:( '

I giggled softly as I picked up the note. Hmm where to put it? I decided to place it back in the fridge just with an added  ' ;) '

"Rory you are a genius." I said to my self. Remember people give yourself some gredit once in a while!

After heating up the pizza I plopped myself down on the couch. Ok let's see what I found.


I notice a single link in the file.

Ok I'm kinda scared to see what I will find but...



Did I just get Rick rolled

How.. Wait, my powers are connected with technology...

Did I just Rick roll myself?!


Fucking amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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