Chapter 23

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The next two and a half months pass quickly, I moved back in with Xavier fully and I couldn't be happier.
This time around though I was more cautious of everything, after being hurt last time; even if it wasn't Xavier that hurt me, I couldn't seem to trust as fully as I had to begin with. 

I've been having weekly check ups with my baby Doctor, making sure that everything was going okay. So far, so good. Our little jelly bean wasn't so little anymore either, and I was in a lot of pain when he moved around and kicked. The Doctor assured me that it's perfectly normal for it to hurt now, because jb hasn't got much room left.

As I was nearing the end of my eighth month of pregnancy, I became nervous about the birth. At our check up last week, the Doctor had informed me that jb was head down, and engaged ready for birth.
I'd left the hospital feeling happy that our baby would be here soon, but terrified about the pain I'd be in.

We'd set the nursery up at Xavier's already, and had bought everything we could possibly need for the baby. The only thing we couldn't agree on was jb's name.

I didn't like any of the names I'd looked at in the book Mel had gotten for me, Xavier really liked Nicolas, but I wasn't so sure yet.
I wanted to wait until he got here to name him, I didn't want to choose a name that didn't suit him.

I found it hard to walk now, and had constant pain in my hips from the extra weight i was carrying. It's weird really, but I'd managed to keep my figure while pregnant. The only place I'd put weight on, was my bump itself. From the back you couldn't tell I was pregnant at all, but my front was all bump,  that's why it hurt so much, because all jb's weight was on my hips.

I'd taken to spending most of my day doing odd jobs for Xavier, while he's at work. He still hadn't found and reason to fire Alexa yet, so the smug slût still worked there. Xavier had started asking me to do some work at home for him, instead of asking her. I'd gladly agreed, not just to spite Alexa either, but just because I was extremely bored.

When I didn't have work to complete, I either spent time writing more of my book, or swimming in the pool. The Doctor had encouraged me to swim as much as I wanted to while it was hurting me to walk, that way I was still getting the exercise I needed. 

Xavier has been fantastic with me, and he was so happy when I agreed to move back in.

With only around 3 weeks to go until the birth, it felt like everything was falling into place finally.
The best part about it was that I'd finally meet my jelly bean, and i couldn't wait.

☺ xx

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