Bonus Update

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April 2022.

She knew it was rude to stare but Alex can't help herself nor can she still quite believe how things have changed for her, her life is now so different from the way it used to be and she feels like a completely different person from the one she was over a year ago.

And she still can't believe that the beautiful man in the driving seat next to her is hers either. She often asks herself how she's managed to snare herself such a divine human being but the answer isn't one that she is proud of. He'd been another woman's husband, a father of three young children.

The start of their relationship had been far from easy; they'd had to overcome some major hurdles, one in particular that could have seen them torn apart forever and they'd had to survive the scrutiny of both his family and the media but they've made it and now they're happier than ever - or at least she nearly is.

It felt silly to find herself feeling grief for her violent, abusive ex. She couldn't work it out. The man had held her captive in a barn and he'd beaten her until she'd blacked out. Why had she been feeling this way? Why not be happy that Soren is now dead and can't hurt anyone else ever again?

She stares once more at Seb as he drives, loving the slight frown of concentration he wears, the way his tongue occasionally pokes past his lips....those fucking amazing, perfect lips. He has a stunning side profile, there isn't a bad angle on him at all. He's perfection from every angle. She forgets all about her ex as she turns in her seat so as not to give herself a stiff neck. Seb looks a little different now to the man she'd agreed to move in with at New Year. His beard has been left unshaven for a couple of months now and his hair looks wild and is getting a bit long as he hasn't had it cut since December last year. He looks kind of rugged and hobo and maybe a little scruffy, far from the groomed man who used to be married to Gisela. It's like he's showing his true self now, like maybe Alex has freed him in some way, maybe Gisela had been moulding him into what she wanted him to look like and now Alex is getting the real, organic, orgasmic Sebastian Vettel.

His concentrated frown has turned in to a smug smirk, he's known all along that she's been staring at him but now she's actually turned in her seat and is making it much more obvious. It seems that she's having a better day today, maybe the shock is now wearing off, it hadn't been easy for her when she'd heard about Soren's death and she'd found it difficult dealing with the fact that she actually felt grief for a man who'd taken so much from her. She wanted to feel fucking joy and pleasure from knowing that bastard was dead, not shock and grief.

Soren had been killed after an altercation with another inmate early on into his prison sentence. It was an unfortunate and all too common occurrence that razor blades or anything sharp was used during disturbances and he'd been unable to survive his injuries after a violent fight had broken out. A slash to his throat had meant that he'd bled to death before help could arrive, he'd stood no chance at all.

And as much as he knew it was wrong to delight in the death of a another human being, Seb was secretly overjoyed that Soren had got what had been a long time coming to him.

"Are you enjoying yourself Miss Van de Berg?" He glances her way as he drives along in the fast lane. Her expressive blue eyes say it all and it speaks directly to dick. He cuts across to a slower lane on the motorway, her timing isn't exactly impeccable, there's no use in her deciding that she's horny now, he can't exactly stop anywhere to satisfy her urges - no matter how much he wants to.

"Just admiring the view," she replies breathily. He was a view that she'd never ever get bored of seeing and as the sun shines in through the window she finds herself even more drawn to him as he's bathed in a golden glow. She still can't decide what colour his hair is, in some lights it just looks brown, in others it was almost sandy blonde and then there'd be times where she was almost sure he was a strawberry blonde. She can't resist reaching over to ruffle the mop of long curls on his head, "loving your rebel phase."

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