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I went to work as usual at the central palace, then headed to the western garden during lunch.I carried a book with me to read to pass the time.

I heard laughter and conversation as I approached my nest chair, and I stopped right before the bushes to observe what was happening.

Rashta was sitting in my nest chair while a maidservant pushed it like a swing.

This is when they fight over the chair and handkerchief and also where my empress makes fun of Rashta resulting of the maids thinking my empress is a mean woman and making that garbage argue with my empress.

That piece of shit!

"Rashta wishes Empress will come see me,but Empress is always busy working.Does Empress even have time to have fun?"

"I'm not sure,Lady Rashta.The empress is always working for the empire so it can't be helped."

"Empress is so amazing.It must be hard being in her position.Rashta wishes she could help ease the Empress from her stress."

"The Empress is already happy with you Lady Rashta.The Empress is always in a good mood when you are around her."

"Yes!Actually,ever since you came,the Empress has always been happy and that's a big deal because the Empress is known to not show any emotions."

"You think Rashta really makes the Empress happy?"

"Yes!Lady Rashta!We've never seen the Empress be so happy or caring of anyone before until you came.Even with the Emperor who she's married to does not get the same treatment that you receive from the Empress."

"Lady Rashta is amazing and a miracle to the palace if she can move the Empress!"

Atleast their not badmouthing anyone but I didn't expect them to fawn over me.

Rashta smiled, then turned and suddenly caught sight of me.


Rashta jumped to her feet and tackled me into a hug.The maids was about to pull her away but I raised my hand to stop them.

I patted Rashta's head as she nuzzled at me.

"I see you've found my nest chair"

Rashta flinched and looked up at me with her doe eyes.

"I-im sorry,Empress.I didn't know.I just happened to come across this chair so I -"

"It's fine since you didn't know.And don't worry,I'm not mad but next time if you want to see me,just come to the west palace directly.I'll give you many delicious foods and gifts"

"Really Empress?!Rashta can't wait to come visit you!"

Rashta then started jumping on her feet while the maids were amazed at how tolerant I was to Rashta.

Well she's like a child so can you blame me?But she does have to learn the ways of the adult world soon.For now,I'll just keep her by my side then teach her to fend for herself.I can't let her be dependent on me till the end.Look what happened when she decided to depend on other people.

"What's that Empress?"

Rashta lets go of me and motioned towards the book I was holding and I held it up

"It's a book I read to pass time"

"Ohhh.Rashta wishes she could read with the Empress but Rashta doesn't know how to read"

Oh yeah,she never learned to read until she came into the palace.She really wanted to learn more but that asshole didn't want her to do better saying she might lose her charms.That douchebag is so fuckin creepy.She'd be more charming if she were to be educated and be cute.

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