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I sat on my bed angrily munching on fruits and desserts.I can't go out so I'd just have to let out my frustration through eating.

That fucking bastard.Acting like he's a victim.Its so obvious he's only confronting me about it cause he thinks it ruins his image as a 'husband'.

Since when has he been a husband to my empress?The only reason my empress even tolerates him is because she sees him as family.

I know he grew up in a dysfunctional family but he needs to work on himself...A LOT.

I was eating on my bed when I heard a tap on my window. I looked up and saw that Queen was hovering outside.

I opened the door to let Queen in.

"'ve returned more quickly this time"

Suddenly Queen flyed swiftly inside.


I turned around and saw that Queen hopped onto the bed and plopped around.

I went towards Queen and sat at the bed near him.I chuckled and petted him.

"If I didn't know any better,I'd think that this was your room.Did your master send you on an errand this late in the evening? "

Doing the trip even this late at night just to deliver a letter? You're very persistent,Prince Heinley.Im really looking forward into seeing you in personal.He looked really good in the illustrations so I'm quite excited to see him on the flesh.

I then pulled the note from its leg.

As you wish,the bird's name shall be "Queen".But you should bear in mind that it's male.

I chuckled again.

I so knew that.

I looked at Queen and acted innocently

"Oh my,were you a male bird?Are you upset that I didn't know?"

Queen then flapped his wings as if miffed by my ignorance.

I want to tease him more but I might give myself away.

I patted his head again then went to my desk, and Queen followed. I took out a sheet of paper and wrote a reply.

I didn't know he was male. An unexpected surprise.

I rolled up the note and tied it to his leg.I kissed his forehead and brought him out the window to let him fly away.

I went inside and glanced at the calendar.The New Year's celebrations were just around the corner. Some of the guests would start arriving early tomorrow at the palace...

I'd finally get to see them.Its so exciting to finally meet the others that I only used to look and read about.

My situation now is in my favor with that scum not having anyone to use against me and Rashta clinging into me instead.

Things are definitely gonna be different from now on and with the new characters coming in,there's more to look forward to specially with how things are probably changing at this point.

This is gonna be fun.


Before long,the New Years Ceremony was upon us.

Distinguished guests from the neighboring countries started to arrive.

It was a relief that neither that asshole or I had very many distinguished guests arriving.We could avoid seeing each other for a while if we didn't need to greet them.

MY LIFE,MY CHOICESWhere stories live. Discover now