Team Arch: A Magical Encounter

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Time: After Movie 2


The episode starts with SpongeBob playing Baseball with some of the Digidestined on a moon base that Sandy had set up once. Just as he's about to pitch another ball, he starts to have a headache, causing him to pass out. Waking up, he claims that he might've sensed something in Japan. The heroes decide to head back to Earth and find out what it is.

Meanwhile, Don Grouper and his executives search aimlessly around Space to find the mysterious stranger (the one he talked to from the first movie). They were just about to move again when a huge spaceship appears, with said stranger's voice coming from inside.

On their way to Earth, the heroes inadvertently fly into a meteor belt. Although they manage to dodge most of them, one meteor hit one of the wings, causing them to fly out of control. While the Digidestined teleport back to the moon base, SpongeBob's gang unknowingly crashes at the location.

In Japan, in a town called Tomoeda, two young girls named Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji are picking flowers in a nearby forest. After they leave, SpongeBob and his gang crash in the distance.

Sakura and Tomoyo meet up with some of their friends, Syaoran Li, Eriol Hiiragizawa, Chiharu Mihara, Takashi Yamazaki, Naoko Yanagisawa, Rika Sasaki, and Kai Ishikawa about the flowers they picked for their school's garden.

At a nearby beach, SpongeBob and his gang survive the crash and wonder where they are. More importantly, Patrick is feeling hungry. He runs up to a regular octopus and a regular crab, trying to ask them where to find food, but they attack him before Plankton tries to get some coconuts from a tree, but fails. Angrily, Squidward, annoyed by Patrick's complaining, yells on the beach, but is washed by some seawater. Exhausted, the gang crawl up onto land with a crab on Squidward's nose.

At a nearby dojo, Syaoran's cousin, Meiling Li, is practicing for a Martial Arts tournament in Odaiba. Sakura and the others soon arrive and practice for other sports, when Shinra, a younger student, enters shyly. They ask him about his problem, but he keeps shying away, until Chiharu sternly demands him to speak. Giving up, Shinta explains that his mobile game console got stolen by Katsu, a known bully from Sakura's school.

Outside Tomoeda Middle School, Katsu Saito and his cronies, along with Akemi Kurosawa, another known bully, and her cronies are looking over the many things they stole from weaker students. Sakura and Chiharu come in and take Shinra's game console back. Katsu was expecting Kai to arrive due to their history with each other. Chiharu, annoyed at that remark, reluctantly wonders if Katsu's still obsessed with Rika. Akemi on the other hand starts throwing insults, mainly towards the fact that Chiharu and Takashi are now dating after the many struggles between the two. However, Chiharu gets the better of the bullies by sadistically threatening them that she'll snap them like a twig if they come anywhere near them, much to Sakura's dismay.

Meanwhile, SpongeBob and his gang wander around town, looking for food. Fed up, Patrick's feral side kicks in and starts rampaging through town, with the rest of the gang in pursuit, having no choice, but to expose themselves.

In town, the two bully gangs are eating ice cream. Katsu complains about Chiharu is always pushing them around, and Akemi shows how she'd graphically beat Chiharu up by stabbing her spoon into her banana split, but a pink blur takes it away, as well as everyone else's ice cream. A feral Patrick then appears on top of the umbrella of the table they were using, joyously eating the deserts before it falls onto the four. He then approaches an ice cream box, where the shop owner is, before getting a brain freeze and then throwing the box towards the bullies. One of Katsu's cronies angrily attempts to fight back, but gets thrown back, causing his Baseball bat to fly and hit Patrick's head, which brings Patrick's sanity back. Wondering what happened, Patrick tries to ask a woman, but since the woman doesn't know Patrick, she yells in surprise, as well as Patrick, leading to a watermelon landing on his head and rolling towards the fish store, where he knocks over crates of fish and knocking the fishmonger to the ground and rolling to the bakery, where he scares the owner. SpongeBob and the rest of the gang arrive to see what happened, and ask what happened. While Katsu and the bullies cower at SpongeBob's appearance, Akemi seems to be surprisingly intrigued. Squidward snaps her out of it, and repeats their question, with Akemi silently pointing at where Patrick went.

Sakura, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Eriol, Meiling, Chiharu, Takashi, Rika, Kai, and Naoko arrive a while later, seeing the damage. Tomoyo guesses that another monster, similar to the ones they usually battle against, came through here. They notice Akemi staring at the direction that SpongeBob's gang went, while the other bullies are hiding in fear, with Katsu stuttering that they went towards the forest, where Eriol deducts they are hiding.

In the forest, SpongeBob's gang finds Patrick shaking trees to get papayas down, only to pass out after realizing how exhausted they are after running around to catch up with him. Patrick eats a load of papayas before burping and falling asleep. Sakura' gang run by and notice SpongeBob's gang. Takashi picks up a stick and hides to poke Patrick to see if at least one of them is awake. Patrick, still asleep, grabs the stick and starts to eat it. Tomoyo is surprised by his strength and goes to get a closer look at his face. The presence of Sakura's gang awakens SpongeBob's gang, and both are surprised at each other that they are both thrown back. Meiling accuses them of causing trouble in town, which SpongeBob denies. Taking matters into her own hands, Meiling tries to arrest them, but SpongeBob's gang starts to fight with Sakura's gang. SpongeBob and Sandy start a Martial Arts fight with the Li Cousins, Mr. Krabs has a silly boxing match with Eriol, who acknowledges Mr. Krabs' accent, Patrick and Takashi have an even sillier fight, Plankton extends his robot suit's arms at Naoko, who blocks them with a novel she's been reading lately, and Squidward and Rika have a silly music battle between Squidward's clarinet and Rika's flute. Tomoyo, amazed by this, records the battle, while Sakura, Chiharu, and Kai worriedly watch from the side, with Chiharu remarking that "This is getting way out of hand". SpongeBob admits Sakura's gang is good as he and his gang throw some of their belongings at them and run away, but Sakura's gang gives chase. SpongeBob throws a stink bomb at them, knocking Syaoran, Meiling, Eriol, Takashi, and Naoko silly. Sandy jumps onto a vine, pulls out her Electro Gun and shoots at Kai and Rika, but they dodge all of the blasts and tackle SpongeBob, unintentionally causing the three of them to roll down a hill and into a river in a ravine. SpongeBob and Kai swim back up to meet with the others, who have carefully made their way down, but SpongeBob notices that Rika didn't come up too, realizing that she was drowning.

SpongeBob swims back down to get Rika, who keeps flailing to swim back up, and they both get to shore. SpongeBob wonders why Rika couldn't simply swim, with Rika remarking that she's not a good swimmer. The two gangs then notice how deep down they are, and decide to climb back up. On their way back up, Chiharu nearly falls, but Squidward saves her and throws her to the top, where they are all exhausted. Seeing the true nature of SpongeBob's gang, Meiling decides to let them go, but still reprimands them on causing all the trouble in town. Patrick apologizes and says that they're not bad, which Meiling doubts, and reasons that he was hungry. Eriol sternly tells them that they have a long way to go to earn Tomoeda's trust. It suddenly rains, and the two gangs find shelter in a cave. SpongeBob's gang finally introduce themselves, in which Sakura's gang introduce themselves as well.

In the morning, after the storm, the two gangs wake up and leave the cave. Sakura introduces SpongeBob's gang to her hometown of Tomoeda. SpongeBob can immediately tell that he's never heard of Tomoeda due to its size, which doesn't make it well known in Japan.

Upon arriving at Sakura's house, Sakura's introduces SpongeBob's gang to Touya, her older brother, Fujitaka, their father, and Yukito, Touya's best friend. While Touya is weirded out by their appearance, Yukito and Fujitaka are intrigued. SpongeBob remarks to himself that they may have found themselves a new ally in Sakura and her friends and family.

Later at Sandy's moon base, the Digidestined are searching for SpongeBob's gang via satellite, before TK notices Tomoeda and calls Chiharu about his whereabouts. SpongeBob manages to contact the Digidestined and tells them that they have found some new allies. The movie ends with SpongeBob telling them the entire story.

In the post-credits scene, Don Grouper and the mysterious stranger, now discovering that SpongeBob has made new friends, set their plan into motion, but Grouper's executives argue over the different types of sandwiches they packed. Although the stranger ignores them, Grouper angrily stops it, and tells them "We have to stop SpongeBob SquarePants!".

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