Team Arch: Hack & Slash

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Time: After Movie 8, during Movie 9, just before Movie 10


Having escaped prison, the SNIPERS, now back in their outer space hideout, are working on some super mutagen which they plan on using to create an army of super mutants that will take over the world. Bubble Bass and Kevin decide to try the mutagen out on a captured turtle, who is named Hack by Bubble Bass, in order to train him. The mutagen turns him into an evil mutant turtle. When Bubble Bass loses Hack's palm tree, nicknamed Binky, he starts destroying the place, and Squilliam sends him to Earth out of annoyance.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Farley Q Hanson, a developer for Swedish businessman Dolan Lofgren, has a plan to build condominiums in Japantown. However, Team Arch finds out Hanson is actually planning on destroying Japantown in order to build them, claiming that Team Arch is "nothing but a mere nuisance to society". Chase phones a local newspaper company and makes arrangements to meet and talk about Hanson's plans.

Meanwhile, Hack is looking for the palm tree from his water bowl on Earth. After recovering it, he meets Hanson, who promises him a special home if he does something for him. Interested by this offer, Hack agrees and Hanson tells him that he has to smash some of San Francisco's statues and everything else along his way. Hanson hopes that by having Hack do this, it will make SpongeBob's subunit of Team Arch look guilty and get them arrested, and this will get them out of the way in order for his gang to proceed with his plan for Japantown.

This ends up working, and SpongeBob's group is on the run. Meanwhile, the rest of Team Arch finds out from the newspaper company that Hack is planning to smash some of the statues. When they find him, they discover that they are no match for him. Even though he beats them up, they do manage to save every statue from being smashed.

Back in space, Squilliam sends Bubble Bass and Kevin to Earth to retrieve Hack, so that they could use a special machine of theirs to keep him under their control.

Hack finds out that Hanson double crossed him, upon hearing the latter publicly scapegoating him to avoid any connections, and decides to get revenge on the city. He boards a rocket filled with garbage (an old idea of Hanson's) and threatens to crash into the city. Now reunited, Team Arch manages to stop Hack from going through with his plan. The SNIPERS open a portal for Hack's rocket to enter their hideout, but Hack just flies by, dumping all the trash in the hideout, before venturing out into space.

After Team Arch tells an arriving Mr. Lofgren what Hanson was planning to do, Mr. Lofgren angrily fires him for scamming the city and tells the heroes and the residents of Japantown to not worry about losing their home. With everything cleared, Team Arch decides to find some peaceful jobs, rather than action-packed ones. However, their search becomes difficult as they watch a news report about a "Cold War" between California and the US Government.

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