Team Arch: Scorpion Sting

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Time: After Movie 17


After bringing in Team Arch, the FBI has trained them for domestic volatile situations. One such training session involves SWAT missions. However, the μ's girls find it difficult as they don't usually use law enforcement weaponry, having relied on Team Arch's tech prior to the FBI recruiting them.

Meanwhile, a Eastern European man, Mujo Terzić, and his son, Mirsad, are traveling on a train. Mujo, appearing to have severe paranoia, hugs his son and has him leave the train at the next station.

At an office building, Mujo meets with his wife, Marta, who wants nothing to do with him. Mujo attempts to bring her somewhere, only for her to attract the attention of an office worker, causing Mujo pull out a pistol and scare him away. Marta attempts to leave, but Mujo ends up going insane and shoots her out of paranoid anger.

Outside, the gunshot is still heard, as an officer follows Mujo after noticing his suspicious behavior, but Mujo can tell he's being followed and grabs a hostage out of desperation, sparking a standoff.

SFPD SWAT is called in, but considering the situation, so is Team Arch, despite the situation being out of FBI's jurisdiction. Arriving at the standoff site, the team, now in SWAT gear, can tell that the situation is taking long due to Mujo yelling too much, and in Bosnian. Eli and Maki are assigned sniper roles, but Eli has trouble getting to her designated position due to a blocked off path. Meanwhile, Maki manages to make it to hers, but she struggles a little due to her inexperience with guns. Back on the ground, SpongeBob has trouble negotiating due to how he's unable to speak Bosnian and how Mujo can't stop yelling. Fortunately, a Bosnian translator, Novak, arrives and attempts to negotiate with him, but Mujo's paranoia prompts him to aim at the police and the witnesses. The FBI SWAT Captain at the scene tells Maki "Scorpio", the codeword to neutralize the threat. Before Maki could pull the trigger, Mirsad comes rushing in, trying to stop his paranoid father from killing. The captain allows him to try, but affirms that Scorpio is still a go. Novak can tell that Mirsad is attempting to tells his father lower the gun, and that "there's no one bad here, not even them", but Mujo's severe paranoia is now prompting him to commit suicide. The captain calls for Scorpio again, much to Team Arch's dismay, but before Maki could pull the trigger, Mirsad rushes in and tries to take the gun away from his father. Maki ends up pulling the trigger, but falls down and drops her rifle off the roof. The rifle shatters on impact, causing the team to look up to her spot. As Maki gets up, she could see that Mujo is killed, but is unsure if it was from her rifle, or the pistol. Maki can only mutter "Situation resolved" through her radio.

The local Internal Affairs office arrives and sequesters Maki for the time being, much to the team's dismay. Despite violating IAB's regulation to prohibit sequestered officers from talking with others, Malcom attempts to tell the traumatized Maki that she did the right thing, only for Maki to mutter "I don't care, Malcom", before leaving with the IAB.

At the IAB office, Maki, now in plain clothing, is being questioned by IAB Officer Jed Wilder. Maki's phone proceeds to ring, but she ignores it. However, Fred Delaney, a lawyer assigned by Austin and Malcom to defend Maki, tells her that it's her right to answer it. Upon answering, Maki can tell that her caller is Kyoya, who tells her that the other μ's girls are waiting for her to do another training session, but Maki tells him that they'll have to go on without her, claiming that she has "nothing to do today", before blatantly hanging up. Delaney has Wilder pull out a "Use Of Force Wheel", with Maki pointing to "Lethal Force". Wilder then questions her about Mirsad's presence, but Maki swiftly answers that she was surprised by Mirsad appearing and trying to stop his father. With no further questions, Wilder decides to wrap up the questioning, while telling her that due to her current mental condition, she has to take some time off from law enforcement work, and head back to the Arch Foundation.

Back at the Arch Foundation, Maki finds herself alone, trying to recuperate from her traumatic experience. Suddenly, Trevor comes in and helps her with recuperating, not wanting to stand by the whole time.

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