Team Arch: Fallen From Grace

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Time: After Movie 22 and before said movie's epilogue


After a long night of training with Team Arch, SpongeBob and Team Niji go topside for some fun.

Later, as SpongeBob and Team Niji are goofing around on the rooftops, Ayumu spots a shadowy figure in the distance and the gang decides to follow her, while chasing a truck that she's following. On the street, the goon driving the truck notices that he's being followed by someone. The truck is unable to lose its pursuer, but the driver spins around and his partner opens fire on their tracker. The figure disappears as the truck heads down an alley, where the gang has been watching the entire scenario. The thugs spot the gang and think that they must be the figure's sidekicks, before firing on them.

As the truck closes in on the gang with all guns blazing, the figure swings in and grabs them, carrying them to safety. The truck crashes through a fence and disappears. The gang thanks the figure, who introduces herself as Mia Taylor. As Mia leaves, SpongeBob tells her that she should call for backup, but Mia explains that she can't, claiming that it's a personal vendetta. With that, she disappears into the night.

Later, at a fisher warehouse, the truck pulls up to a heavily guarded gate. Mia has managed to stow away on top of the vehicle, and she escapes detection as the truck is waved through. Mia watches as a black limousine arrives and is waved through the gate. She then leaps over the chain link fence, avoids being spotted, and investigates the warehouse.

Mia sneaks up to the rooftop to peer inside the warehouse. Master Udon, Don Grouper, and Dennis emerge from the limo and has a discussion with the person in charge, a young high school student named Lanzhu Zhong. Dennis is angry about a delay with the shipment, and demands to know what the delay is. Lanzhu explains that they've been having problems with a vigilante. As Mia watches the discussion, four armed guards come up from behind her and order her to surrender.

Mia pretends to surrender and fires a grappling line from her wrist holster and knocks out two of the gunmen - before the other two can open fire, the gang arrives and knocks them out. Initially, Mia is disappointed about the gang following her, but decides to not argue about it. The gang views the end of the conversation and the three higher-ups exit in their limo. The gang can easily tell that the SNIPERS are back, but inquire about Lanzhu. Upon hearing that, Mia fills them in on a story:

Mia is witnessing her father, Clayton Taylor, talking to his sergeant in her office. Clayton was trying to prove that Lanzhu's uncle, the leading arms supplier to the United Nations, is selling illegal weapons on the black market, without his family's knowledge. Unfortunately for him, his superior reminds him that the Zhong Family is also powerful, making nearly impossible to find evidence, and drops a newspaper on the table that illustrates how the uncle has been clear of all charges and how he used his political power to put Anderson's career on the skids, having him demoted from detective work to the archives. Enraged and bitter over having her father's career, life, and honor ruined by the Zhong Family, Mia abruptly leaves the station and sets out to prove everybody wrong.

The gang agrees to help Mia clear her father's name and capture Lanzhu and her uncle. The gang drops into the warehouse and inspects a group of crates. They find a futuristic rocket launcher inside one of the crates, and thus, have proof that Lanzhu and her uncle have been illegally dealing weapons on the street and black market. As Mia inspects one of the rifles, she asks if its easy to operate. SpongeBob claims that they are and points to a button on the weapon. Mia decides to give it a try and pushes the button, activating it. The blaster blows a huge hole in the warehouse wall, revealing Lanzhu and a group of men on the other side. Upon seeing them, Lanzhu orders her goons to attack and they open fire on the gang.

Back at the SNIPERS' new headquarters, Squilliam is admonishing Don, Master Udon, and Dennis for their difficulties with the latest weapon shipment, but Don says that they can handle it. Squilliam then reveals that Kevin has hacked into Lanzhu's security system and boots up a live video showing the team battling the guards. Don gets on his cellphone to call for backup and plans to go to the warehouse, but Squilliam slaps the phone out of his hand and tells him that he is to stay put, and hope that things work out.

Back at the warehouse, the gang runs into another foe, another high school girl named Shioriko Mifune. The young girl the shows her ability to transform into a snake. As the gang fights her, Kanata is knocked into vat of chemicals, which seem to have no affect on her. Suddenly, as SpongeBob is fighting Shioriko alone, Kanata transforms into a bear and fights Shioriko.

As this happens on the dock, Mia has chased down Lanzhu, just as she's getting away via helicopter. Mia jumps aboard the chopper and sees Lanzhu piloting the helicopter. She rushes forward to snatch Lanzhu, and harshly throws her to the ground, declaring that this ends tonight as she begins to battle Lanzhu. The gang defeats Shioriko by dousing her in cold water, which messes with her snake form's cold blood, causing her transform back into her human self, allowing Karin to knock her out. Meanwhile, Mia continues to battle Lanzhu, but no one's piloting the helicopter. Despite Lanzhu's own fighting skills, Mia beats her and jumps out of the chopper with her unconscious body, landing in the water. The chopper crashes and explodes into the warehouse. Nobody swims to the dock with Lanzhu in tow. The vigilante handcuffs Lanzhu to the dock and leaves a piece of evidence incriminating her uncle for the oncoming police to find. Lanzhu awakens and sees her wrists handcuffed, causing Mia to smirk as she struggles. Defeated and exhausted, Lanzhu demands to know who Mia is, to which Mia turns around and replies by mentioning her father was humiliated by Lanzhu's uncle. Realizing what she meant, Lanzhu then reminisces on the faithful day Mia left to avenge her father, while claiming that her uncle should've just simply killed Clayton instead of having him demoted, but Mia tells her that her father retired from police work, before the superiors could demote him, much to Lanzhu's chagrin. With this, Mia turns away and leaves the docks with triumph.

Later, the police arrives and arrests Lanzhu and her remaining cronies, while finding the evidence to put her uncle away.

At the SNIPERS' office, a frustrated and infuriated Squilliam watches the video, as the warehouse burns and the police arrive. Don sits at Squilliam's desk, looking worried. Squilliam walks up to the desk and smashes it into splinters in fit of rage, before leaving, leaving a shaken Don behind.

Back at the fishery, the police haul off Lanzhu and her cronies, and the fire department douses the blaze, while Mia and the gang watch from safety. Mia thanks the team, and parts ways, continuing her life as a vigilante.

Later at the Arch Foundation, the gang gets back safely from their adventure. They then notice the rest of Team Arch watching a news report about Lanzhu's uncle being exposed, arrested, disgraced, and exiled from the Zhong Family in Macau, while resisting arrest in a violent manner and desperately claiming that he was framed by Clayton Taylor.

Meanwhile, as Lanzhu and Shioriko are being escorted to jail via armored truck, the driver and his partner notice a roadblock, and take a detour through an alleyway, where they notice a patrol car, which was previously reported missing. As they call it in, the corpse of an officer (possibly from the patrol car) falls onto the hood of the truck, scaring the two officers. They then notice some soldiers behind them, and drive further into the alleyway, but are confronted by another group of soldiers. As they call for backup, the soldiers open fire on the officers, killing them. They then break Lanzhu and Shioriko out of the truck. The two girls are then confronted by the soldiers' leader, who happens to be Royston Slinger, revealing themselves to be members of his gang. Mia also appears, revealing herself to be a member as well, and that her feud with Lanzhu was falsified to throw people offtrack. Royston congratulates the three in obtaining money from the SNIPERS, allowing the gang to fund for weapons that could take down Team Arch. Just as Mia reveals the rocket launcher that she obtained from SpongeBob and Team Niji, the gang heads the police coming and makes a run for it.

In the post-credits scene, a flashback occurs, showing Mia walking in the streets, wondering how she could avenge her father. A voice calls out to her, and she turns to see Lanzhu, which angers Mia, until Lanzhu explains that she wants to usurp her uncle in the future. Despite being reluctant to work with the niece of the man who humiliated her father, Mia agrees to help, on the condition that she provide evidence to expose her uncle, which Lanzhu agree to. As time goes by, Mia starts to become close to Lanzhu, believing that being a villain is much more easier than being a hero. Then, one day, the two are confronted by a shadowy figure.

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