(1) A Stroke & A Promise

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Two Years Ago,

Professor Thomas Carter was teaching his 9AM college history class at Oxford University. He was giving a lecture as he paced the stage in the lecuture hall. 

"Professor Carter are you okay? You are sweating and red in the face. Im a pre med student and that is signs of a heart attack." Sidney Bosewell said 

"I assure you Ms Bosewell I am fine." He said 

He continued on with the lecuture, ten minutes later Thomas was grabbing his chest and gasping for air. Sidnèy and other pre med students went running. They called 911 and Thomas was rushed to the hospital. 

His wife Katherine and daughter Ellie Mae met him there. 

"Mr Carter's family." Dr McKinley said 

Katherine stood up with the rest of the family that had joined them. "Thats my husband." Katherine said 

"Your husband suffered a massive stroke. He is in complete heart failure, there isn't much time life. We are asking that you say your goodbyes now. He is coherent but he is  paralyzed." Dr Mckinley said 

A nurse took them to his CCU room, he looked at his wife as she cried. He tried to speak but it was all a mumble mess. 

"Poppa got mum I promise. You can go rest now." Ellie Mae said 

He looked over at her and started to cry. "Its okay honey." Katherine said as she squeezed his hand. 

"I promise poppa." Ellie Mae said as she cried. 

Katherine and Ellie Mae sat with him long after everyone else left. 

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