(2) Stateside

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The next night Peggy was out with Steve and their crew. When felt her apple watch vibrating she looked to see her aunt's name. She found her purse and pulled out her phone.

"Hi aunt Katie! Whats up?" Peggy said as she went outside so she could hear.

"Has your parents told you about Thomas?" Katie said 

"No they haven't." Peggy said 

"He passed this morning." Katie said as her voice cracked. 

Peggy covered her mouth, and Steve walked out. 

"When is the funeral? Or does mum and pop have that info?" Peggy said 

"I gave it to them. But its in three days." Katie said 

"Okay I'll be there." Peggy said 

"Love you Pegs." Katie said 

"Love you Aunt Katie." Peggy said and hung up. 

"You have to go London?" Steve said 

"My uncle died..I need to call mom I dont know why she hasn't told me." Peggy said 

After talking to her mom, Steve said he wanted to go with her. Peggy Steve and her parents landed in London the night before the funeral. Ellie Mae helped her mom get ready as she did her hair. 

"Remember mum we can't get to upset." Ellie Mae said 

"Eleanor Maybelle I am not a child. You are just like your father about this anuerysm." Katie said 

She smiled at her in the mirror. "But I will try and keep the grieving to a minimum." Katie said 

All of the family gathered at the funeral home for the service, and burial. When Katie seen Steve with Peggy. 

"You two are still together?" Katie said as they kissed cheeks. 

"I can't seem to get rid of him." Peggy said 

"Sorry for your loss Katie. I loved him the few times I met him." Steve said 

"Thank you Steven." Katie said 

"Cousin Peggy its so lovely to see you." Ellie Mae said as she joined the group.

"Little Ellie Mae. Its so lovely to see you." Peggy said as they kissed cheeks. 

"Thank you all so much for coming.  Its really good to see you all I just wish it was under happier circumstances." Katie said as they all hugged. 

Meanwhile back at stateside, Bucky was in Boston visiting James and his stepmom Sienna for James' birthday. 

"I thought Steve and Pegs were coming too." James said 

"Peggy had an unexpected death in the family. So they had to fly to London so its just me." Bucky said 

"Oh no..we will have to send them a sympathy card." Sienna said 

They enjoyed the birthday dinner Sienna prepared for them. Bucky spent the night to catch up on sleep before heading back to Winnie's.

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