(29) On the English Countryside

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1 year later,

All their family and friends gathered in London at the Cain Manor for Bucky and Ellie Mae's wedding day. The girls were in the bridal suite while the guys were in the grooms suite. 

"I got you special mascara." Peggy said as she applied to Ellie's lashes. 

"Whats so special about it?" She said 

"Its waterproof. And you are going to need it today." Peggy said 

They all shared some champagne, while downstairs the boys did a shot of tequila. The wedding photographer got a shot of them toasting their glasses. Bucky's niece Hannah was their flower girl. Peggy was her maid of honor, and Steve was the best man. 

When it was time to walk down aisle, she asked her uncle Harrison to give her away. Katie cried at the moment. Bucky took her hand when Harrison placed her hand in his. 

"Who gives this woman to this man." The minister said 

"I her uncle Harrison Carter, on behalf of her late father Thomas Carter and her mother Katherime Carter." Harrison said 

He kissed her cheek, than sat behind Katie. 

"James, I don't even know where to begin. You and I met one night and it felt like I knew you for years. It was easy, it felt perfect. Our souls came alive that night, who knew that my gap year would also find me my soul mate. I love you, I love you because you never gave up on us even after I walked away, and pushed you away. I am forever grateful that I have you to spend the rest of my life with, to have babies with and to grow old with. I love you to the moon and back my darling." 

"Eleanor, oh my sweet Ellie bear. For the first time in my life I know what true love is. You are my soul mate, the missing piece in my heart. My dad told me that if it was meant to be that you would come back, I just needed to be patient. I love you with my whole heart, our souls are connrcted I felt it from the moment we kissed, I felt alive with you the night we met. You are my world, my love and my forever." 

They exchanged rings, and ended the ceremony with a kiss. After the ceremony Ellie changed into her reception dress. 

Their first dance song was to "Strangers" by Maddie and Tae. When Harrison took her out on the fance floor, "She's Somebody Daughter." began to play while pictures of her and her dad played on a big screen. Now she understood why Peggy said she needed waterproof mascara. 

When Bucky led Winnie, "You Raise Me Up'began to play, while pictures of him and her played on the screen. 

When they were heading out, a white vintage was waiting for them. They left London for their homeymoon in St Lucia. 

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