(12) Stay With Me Ellie

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Two months later,

"So have you applied to NYU?" Bucky said as they laid on the couch. 

"Why would I apply here?" She said as she played with his fingers. 

"Did you choose Rutgers? Either way I will be happy with you staying here and moving in with me." He said 

"Buck baby I can't stay here, I have to go back to London in two weeks." She said 

"Ellie baby you said that you love me, so stay with me." He said 

"I know that, and I do love you. But I can't." She said 

Bucky sat up and began to pace, "This all meant nothing to you. I fell in love with you Ellie Mae and I knew it was a risk. But I was hoping it was worth it." He said 

"Bucky this meant something to me don't you dare say it didnt." Ellie said as she stood up. 

"No it didn't! If I meant something to you, if you actually loved me then you would stay with me!" He said 

"Don't say that!" She snapped 

"This is over Ellie, I rather you break my heart now then later. You should go.." he said 

"Buck no don't tell me to go." She said as a tear fell. 

"I want you to leave Ellie Mae, I can't look at you right now. I can't believe I was so stupid again." He said as he opened the front door for her. 

She walked ovee to him, and cupped his cheek. "Don't, this whole time I wasn't lying." She said 

"Go Ellie Mae cause I don't believe you. I was probably your side dude thats why you can't stay cause you have a boyfriend back in London." He said 

"Thats not true. I have my reasons.." she said 

"Please leave." He said as he swallowed back tears. 

She let go of his cheek, wiped her tears and walked out. He slammed the door and slid down it and cried. Ellie Mae cried all the way home and cried herself to sleep. 

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