(15) Farewell Ellie Mae

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A week later,

"Hey man where have you been?" Sam said as he saw Bucky leaving NYU's financial aid office. 

"Not here.." he said in a low tone. 

"We are heading out to Cleo's tonight, its Ellie Mae's last night. She leaves in the morning you should come. She's been wanting to see you." Sam said 

"Sam..we broke up." He said 

"Barnes..she's been a mess. It took Peggy all she had to convince her to come out tonight. We meet at 7pm." Sam said and left. 

That night everyone met at Cleo's, Bucky showed up at 9pm. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in." Clint said as Bucky grabbed a shot. 

"Sam said he saw you earlier on campus." Steve said

"Yeah I was making sure my transfer papers to Boston College went through." He said

"Transfer? You are leaving.." Steve said 

"Yeah.." he said 

"But we said.." Peggy said 

Bucky walked away to go to the bar, he ordered himself a drink and flirted with a few girls before heading back to their VIP. 

"That was bloody rude." Peggy said 

"What?" He said 

"Flirting like that right in front of Elle." She said 

"I don't care." He said 

As the night went on he continued to ignore Ellie. Until she had enough of his antics and decided to leave. 

He stopped her, "You can't be angry at me. You broke my heart so I hope that whoever he is in London likes my sloppy seconds." He said 

"Its not like that.." she said 

"Have a nice life Eleanor.." he said and walked away. 

She looked down and tears fell as she left. 

The next morning Ellie left for London while Bucky made his way back to Boston to move into his new atheletic housing. 

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