(5) Ellie Mae Arrives

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Three months later,

Steve and Peggy waited at the airport for Ellie Mae's flight. When she stepped off the plane and found Peggy. They immediately hugged and kissed cheeks. 

"You are finally here!" Peggy said 

"Im here." She said 

Steve got her luggage, and they went the brownstone that Peggy's dad got for the girls. They got her settled in. 

"This is going to be so much fun having you here." Peggy said as they shared a glass of Pink Chardonnay. 

Ellie Mae giggled, "I can't wait to meet your friends Pegs." She said 

"They are going to love you and be so sad when you leave." Peggy said as she took a bite of her cheesecake. 

The next morning, while Peggy went to enroll in classes Ellie Mae went to her uncle's medical practice. 

"Good morning uncle Harrison." She said as she came in. 

"Ah, there she is! My little Ellie Maybelle!" Harrison said as he hugged her. 

She did her internship paperwork, meet the staff. After she was done there she walked around, ate her first NY style hot dog. She just enjoyed her day being in the city and took photos. 

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