(13) the aftermath...

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The next morning Steve and Peggy were having breakfast when they saw Ellie Mae's door open. 

"Elle? I thought you were staying with Buck." Peggy said 

"We broke up." She said in a low tone. 

"What do you mean?" Steve said 

"We had a fight about me not staying he told me to leave and that it was over." She said as she wiped tears. 

Peggy looked at Steve, "Go on." She whispered 

He left to find the guys to check on Bucky. When the guys got to his place they saw his car gone, Steve used his emergency key. When they went inside all they saw was the college issued furniture, all of Bucky's stuff was gone. 

"Where is he?" Clint said 

Steve began to call around, he called Winnie first.

"Hey Winnie, its Steve. Have you seen Buck or know where he is? Cause he is missing." Steve said 

"No honey I haven't. Is something wrong?" Winnie said 

"He and Ellie Mae had a bad fight and he ended things." Steve said 

"Try James." Winnie said 

"Thanks." Steve said 

In Boston, James was coming through his front door to see Bucky eating cereal as he answered his phone. 

"Dr Barnes.." he said 

"Hey James, its Steve. I cant get ahold of Bucky, he's missing like he cleared out his apartment." Steve said 

"Hey Steve." James said 

Bucky shook his head no, and mouthed "You havent seen me." 

"Uh no Steve I havent seen him, did you try Winnie since she is closer?" James said 

"I did and she hasn't seen him." Steve said 

"Im sorry if I hear anything I will let you know." He said and hung up.

Bucky walked off, "I dont ask I dont want to talk about it." Bucky said in a low tone. 

Sienna walked out of the kitchen, "He showed up last night around midnight. He was all red eyed and puffy unloading his stuff." She said in low tone.

James looked down, "He'll talk when he is ready. Its girl troubles..I can tell." James said as he hugged her. 

Steve and the guys drove all over, he checked in with James a few more times before he called it q day. 

"No luck?" Peggy said as he came back by. 

"No..but I think James is lying to me." Steve said 

"He went to Boston is what you are thinking?" Peggy said 

"I do. Where else would he disappear to?" Steve said as they went to bed. 

Ellie Mae heard him, and cried. Bucky had blocked her number and on his social media. 

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