(22) Nonstop Flirting

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Five months later,

Ellie Mae was back in NY, Bucky asked Peggy if he could pick her up from the airport. So when she stepped off her plane. She seen him with white and red roses. 

"What are you doing here?" She said 

"I wanted to surprise you, so I told Peggy I would pick you up." He said as she took the roses. 

She kissed his cheeks, "Well I'm very surprised." She said 

He got her luggage from baggage claim, and they headed to Peggy's place. It was winter time in NY so it was snowing. 

That night, the group went to a jazz club for dinner and dancing. Bucky danced and flirted with Ellie Mae all night long. The next night they all went to a Broadway show and grabbed drinks afterwards. It was like when they first met and Bucky couldn't stop flirting. 

When the weekend was coming to a close, Bucky and Ellie Mae went out to dinner just the two of them. He took her to the same place they had their first date. When he took her back home he kissed her they began to make out in his car. 

"I'll miss you." He whispered 

"I'll miss you too." She whispered 

He walked her up to the door they said goodnight. He headed back to Boston cause he had class the next morning. 

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