(11) Spring Break in Hawaii

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A month later,

"I don't think I have ever seen Barnes like this over a girl." Sam said to Steve as they stood in the airport. 

"Like what?" Peggy said 

"I don't know, faithful exclusive..he hasn't been to a party in the last 6 months. He quit partying,sleeping around. Its all about Ellie Mae." Sam said 

"Maybe she is just what he needed." Clint said 

"Whats going to happen when she leaves?" Pietro said 

"I don't know if she still plans on leaving." Peggy said 

They all heard their flight being called and got in line. Once they landed in Hawaii and got to theie beach house. Bucky and Ellie Mae picked their room and immediately had sex and fell asleep. 

They all did a bunch of group activities throughout the trip, some days they all broke off and did their own thing. On their last day there, they were all on the beach. 

"I love you Ellie baby." Bucky said 

Peggy and Steve looked at each other as Bucky and Ellie walked towards the ocean. 

"Did he just.." Steve whispered 

"I think its the heat." Peggy said 

They heard them say it a few more times before they even left Hawaii. It shocked the whole crew that he was saying it. 

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