Chapter 9

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I woke up in a dark room. I turned my head, looking around at what was going on.

"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself.

A sound of a bell chiming echoed in the black space. It sounded like the kagura suzu. The black space suddenly rippled like water. The sounds of the bells chimed again, this time sakura blossoms swirled in the space. It chimed again as I felt like I was being pulled somewhere.

A sakura blossoms went across my line of sight and revealed Apollon. His eyes looked happy and his body was relaxed. Totally different to the fake happiness he was putting himself through. Another sakura blossom went by and I was suddenly in a forest.

I was standing underneath a tree, looking at Apollon talking to a beautiful brunette woman. Giving by the attire they wore, it was in ancient Greece. He clasped the woman's hand in a loving manner, making my heart hurt.

"I promise..." Apollon smiled. "My love for you will never change."

My heart hurt even more with that statement. My throat tightened.

"It's impossible... a god and a mortal cannot live together." The woman said.

"My love will never change." Apollon vowed. "Never...never!" He let go of her hand. "As proof of that, I give you this." His hand glowed over hers. The glow stayed there for a few moments before a beautiful box was left behind. From what I could feel, I felt his power swirling inside of it. I gasped when I realized what he did. "It's divine power. If you open that box, you can see the future. You can predict the future."

"Like you, Apollon?" The woman looked to him.

"Yes." He smiled brighter. "Now you and I are the same.

"I'm so happy Apollon." She smiled before they embraced each other. My heart hurt tremendously. It was like Inuyasha all over again.

The bell chimed again, the sakura blossoms swirled around and the two embracing couple was the last thing I saw before I woke up.

Tears were sliding down the sides of my face as I quickly sat up. I knew I obviously saw a memory but how was I able to see it. I held the mummy doll close to my chest as the tears continued to flow. Two arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a sturdy chest. I looked up and found Tenji looking down at me with worried eyes. He gently wiped the tears away from my face before kissing each eyelid. He rubbed his nose against mine before he held me in his arms so I could slowly fall back asleep. He released a purr like noise like Sesshomaru does for me and it helped me slowly fall back asleep.


"Before we realized, half of our time at this academy, as ordained by Zeus, has passed." Thoth said as he looked out to us. "That said, we will be holding a major event essential to student life."

"An event sounds cool!" Loki cooed.

"What kind of event is it?" Tsukito asked.

"Hey, idiot." Thoth glared at Apollon, who was fast asleep upon his desk. "What are you doing?"

I nervously laughed as I watched Thoth walk over to Apollon's desk and slam his hands on both sides beside Apollon's head. Apollon was startled awake and looked around. He gasped when he saw Thoth in front of him. He nervously smiled as Thoth leaned closer to him to firmly look Apollon in the eye.

"You fall asleep during my class, and you call yourself a student council president?" Thoth scoffed.

"S-Sorry...I'm sorry." Apollon apologized. "I didn't sleep well last night... I get the feeling I was dreaming all night... but I can't remember anything."

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